New Moon in Virgo, Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006, 3:10pm EST
Bringin' It All Back Home
New Moon in Virgo, Wednesday, August 23rd, 2006, 3:10pm EST
Summary Leo/Aquarius to Virgo New Moon
The days have become crisp and fresh, cooling the fiery, passionate heat of Leo desire with an awakening to more practical concerns. I've been closing the windows, quieting outer noise and bringing my energy and focus in with layers of clothing. But the embers continue to burn hot. The water is flowing strong.
The Cancer/Capricorn moon cycle showed us the power in feeling our emotions. The Leo/Aquarius moon cycle showed us what we'll do for love. If we've been working with this energy consciously, we've learned how to harvest energy from our stories, from I Can't to I Will; we've learned to be aware and stay soft when we want to close our hearts if we're not getting the recognition we want. We've taken back power we were giving away through blame or hardness to ourselves. We've made big efforts to step up in responsibility for our emotions and ego weaknesses in softness and love. We have raised so much energy over the summer that we're now ready to ground our visions in practical reality. I have a deep understanding this year about the necessity for balancing the intensity of the yang energy we've raised over the summer with the cool, reflective yin energy of the coming winter. If Nature is perfect, then we need the long months of cool, cold yin to balance and ground the energy we've raised.
New Moon in Virgo, Bringin' it all Back Home
Yesterday the new moon moved into the sign of Virgo. Next to Scorpio, Virgo is the most misunderstood and maligned of all the signs. She has been judged for her critical perfectionism; her attachment to detail viewed as neurotic obsession. I read once that the only outlet for the attention to detail characterized by Virgoan energy in a culture that de-values the Feminine is "housewife" or "systems analyst". Not too sexy.*1
How-ev-er…Virgo actually represents the Virgin Priestess: "…an independent, unmarried woman who has found her satisfaction and completeness within herself. She was not necessarily chaste; however she was in no way dependent upon or subservient to men. 'In ancient times, Vestal Virgins initiated men into sexual mysteries and served as healers for men returning from war.' " *2
If we re-integrate this archetype into our understanding of Virgo we can understand the beauty of her perfectionism. Virgo creates structure to ground and channel the raw fire, earth, air and water of the first 5 signs, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo. Some of my favorite keywords for Virgo are: discernment, home, health and healing, nourishment, work and service, purification, detail, body. The Virgin Priestess focuses her attention inward to the health of the physical body because she understands she is a temple. She takes care of the details of her daily routines to stay strong and nourish herself so she can be of service. A friend described this beautifully the other day, "...when I clean my altar I am treating myself. When I did my laundry and provided clean sheets, I was treating myself...and this perfection will seek me out." When Virgo is discerning, she is always choosing; she is fully present to herself in every moment, she keeps her power in herself and her own process, she is self-contained. She is powerful and beautiful and ecstatic. Her deep connection to Earth grounds her in the bliss of being in a body. She is deeply sexual. Her deep connection to Spirit lifts her to share her understandings in service and healing. This beautiful energy lovingly waits for us to bring our wounded yang energy back from war for healing in the bosom of her nourishing breasts and juicy yoni.
This moon cycle you are cordially, warmly invited to come home from war with your fires burning brightly, your waters running deeply, your air dancing you and through you. Bring all your energy home to yourself; be Priestess to yourself and those who are drawn to you. Awaken the understanding that taking care of the details of daily life is empowering and sexy. Be discerning and know you are choosing how to channel your energy in every moment. Aim for perfection and chop wood, carry water in service to healing, bliss, ecstasy and focused intention.
Peace, love, blessings, Helen
For my Yoni sisters, ALisa and all PP sisters and Anna Rubin with all my love and deep respect.
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*1. Paul McCartney wrote about cultural attitudes towards our Virgo sister in his song "Another Day":
Every day she takes her morning bath, she wets her hair
Wraps the towel around her as she's heading for the dentist chair
It's just another day...
Oh, so sad.
Sometimes she feels so sad.
Alone in her apartment she dwells
Till the man of her dreams comes to break the spell
Ah. Such a misunderstanding! I always admired the no-nonsense chop wood, carry water attitude of his heroine until I got to the interpretation of her situation in the chorus.
*2. Kundalini Yoga New Millenium Being #109, August 22, 2005; and "Virgo New Moon," Stephanie Austin, The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #122 Aug/Sept 2005, p. 119.