Virgo Full Moon, February 27, 2021 - Releasing Trauma & Reclaiming Inner Authority: Let Your Emotional Flow Guide You Home
We're on a journey to rebirth the Self at the Aries New Moon, April 11th. Until then, we're in the watery realms of emotional vulnerability...melting trauma and healing.
Let the Emotions Flow
We're in the process of individuation...becoming the person we really are beyond our learned and conditioned responses that place authority outside ourselves. The only grounding we're experiencing is conscious transformation and constant change (Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus). The Virgo Full Moon yesterday underlined and emphasized what doesn't work anymore and reinforced identification of the nascent parts of us that need help to emerge to support life and to know what sparks joy (thanks Marie Kondo!). The Virgo full moon is a good time to cleanse and clear anything that does not spark joy in your life. There's a need to nourish and nurture ourselves emotionally as we make these new choices. It's helpful to stay grounded in releasing what doesn't support life and supporting and nourishing what makes us feel alive. Have patience to nurture and grow strong what is authentic and hold the vision for this authentic expression. We support ourselves when we're able to tune into the feeling sense of our right responses and commit to parenting this feeling sense lovingly. Emotions are heightened, let them flow and let this flow heal.
What Sparks Joy?
The Astrology
Kundalini Yoga Class
Support the Flow
Are you interested in learning more about yoga, chakra balancing or energy healing? Learn more at my website and take a yoga class or make an appointment for Chakra Balancing. xo Priti Vedya Kaur