Full Moon in Capricorn, Monday July 10th, 11:02pm EST

I Will or I Will Not
Full Moon in Capricorn, Monday July 10th, 11:02pm EST
Summary, New moon in Cancer to Capricorn Full Moon cycle
Cancer symbolizes Universal Mother, nurturing and vulnerability; it also symbolizes connection to tribe and family (what feels like home) as well as emotional immaturity or emotional dependence on tribe and family (relating from a child place or within the context of family emotional dynamics). The past two weeks have brought us into deep relationship with our emotional lives and an understanding of the condition of emotional dependence or independence from our past. We may have had heightened awareness of patterns we've unconsciously but clearly recreated over time that don't seem to jive with our conscious desires. If we have stayed soft and open in listening to ourselves, we have had the opportunity to hear what our emotions are asking of us. They are asking us to respond to the present in a fluid way and this means we are being asked to pack a bag, leave the past behind, and move on into the unknown present.
As the moon grows to maturity in the sign of maturity and responsibility, Capricorn, we feel this choice growing within us. The drive to express the flourishing individual creative spirit is strong now with Saturn in Leo; as Pluto moves towards exact conjunction with the Galactic Center of our Universe in December, each one of us is feeling the drive to transform our relationship to the personal Will. As children, we experienced our parents as the all knowing and all powerful creators. We found a way to have personal power in those relationships that assumed the creator was outside of ourselves, punitive or supportive, but ultimately the final word on the acceptability of our expressions of power. As adults, we may continue to relate in ways that assume our Will is outside of our control; we may continue to express our power in childlike or manipulative ways and this describes the emotional dependence of Cancer.
This moon cycle is asking big things of us: Are we ready to move out of the comfort zone of the security of acceptance (or rejection!) and take the risk to express ourselves independently, outside of the box of acceptable expression, in our present lives? Are we ready to understand that any limitation we now feel is an internal conflict between what we believe is acceptable and what we desire? (For which the Gemini/Sagittarius moon cycle has prepared us!) Are we ready to assume responsibility for the patterns we create? Are we ready and Willing to take responsibility as Creator in our own lives and let our parents off the hook? For many people this risk feels overwhelming; it requires giving up the only power we've known and may even feel like losing the only love we've known. In consequence, we may have noticed a great emphasis this moon cycle on areas in our lives where our response has been "I Can't" or “I Have To”, reflecting our inability to own the power of Creator..
Capricorn is the sign and energy of focused will and power. As the moon moves into the full light of the Sun tomorrow night, our focus moves from the unconscious childlike helplessness of "I Can't" or “I Have To” to the conscious responsibility of "I Will or I Will Not". Whether our response to the inner drive for independence is I Will or I Will Not, knowing we are making a choice is the point of this moon cycle. If we rise to the challenge of this responsibility, we will prepare ourselves for the next moon cycle of Leo/Aquarius and our relationship to our creativity and fluid self expression.
For the full moon ritual, I recommend bringing our conscious choice to sacred circle with total love and unconditional acceptance. Ask for loving guidance to open to the unknown. Express any grief in leaving the past behind or fear of the unknown. Gently guide "I Can't" to "I Will or I Will Not" and feel your emotions; feel your power!
Peace, love, blessings, Helen