Sunday, February 28, 2021

Virgo Full Moon, February 27, 2021 - Releasing Trauma & Reclaiming Inner Authority: Let Your Emotional Flow Guide You Home


We're on a journey to rebirth the Self at the Aries New Moon, April 11th.  Until then, we're in the watery realms of emotional vulnerability...melting trauma and healing.  

Let the Emotions Flow

We're in the process of individuation...becoming the person we really are beyond our learned and conditioned responses that place authority outside ourselves. The only grounding we're experiencing is conscious transformation and constant change (Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus). The Virgo Full Moon yesterday underlined and emphasized what doesn't work anymore and reinforced identification of the nascent parts of us that need help to emerge to support life and to know what sparks joy (thanks Marie Kondo!).  The Virgo full moon is a good time to cleanse and clear anything that does not spark joy in your life.  There's a need to nourish and nurture ourselves emotionally as we make these new choices.  It's helpful to stay grounded in releasing what doesn't support life and supporting and nourishing what makes us feel alive.  Have patience to nurture and grow strong what is authentic and hold the vision for this authentic expression. We support ourselves when we're able to tune into the feeling sense of our right responses and commit to parenting this feeling sense lovingly.  Emotions are heightened, let them flow and let this flow heal.

What Sparks Joy?

The Astrology

The Virgo Full Moon opposes the Sun/Venus in Pisces:  there is discernment around what works and doesn't work.  Tune into rituals and the desire to nurture and forgive the past; there is an ability to release hurt and wounds.  The Yod between the full moon and Saturn in Aquarius and Chiron in Aries is highlighting the need for the Self to emerge, to support movement to internal authority and the need for patience for the changes that take time.  The ruler of the South Node (Jupiter) in wide conjunction to the ruler of the North Node (Mercury) in Aquarius: there is a crisis in consciousness as we become aware of how our conditioned responses no longer serve us and there is an urgent need for our authentic responses to be able to support us.  At the moment, we feel weak, but aware of this new self.  Stay open, have faith! (Neptune in Pisces) Keep Up!

Kundalini Yoga Class 

Support the Flow

Bring your awareness to the water part of you:  imagine yourself frozen and melting, identify the quality of water you are with unconditional acceptance, curiosity and affection.  Cultivate sensitivity to your vulnerability, and meet yourself where you are in the melting process, gently release what is ready to go and bring the new vision of yourself into focus.   Tune into the feeling sense of your right responses and commit to parent this feeling sense lovingly.  Emotions are heightened; let them flow and let this flow heal rigidity.  Reclaim the inner authority to make good choices for yourself that bring peace, prosperity and security.


Are you interested in learning more about yoga, chakra balancing or energy healing? Learn more at my website and take a yoga class or make an appointment for Chakra Balancing. xo Priti Vedya Kaur

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Mars Retrograde: Lift the Veil and Ride the Wave to Freedom

Mars Retrograde from September 10-November 14th
Mars has turned retrograde in Aries until November 14th.   If you've been wondering when the pressure of 2020 will let up, there's a chance this Mars retrograde will lead us into smoother waters.   It’s a right mess at the moment - during these 2 months this retrograde promises to challenge us deeper - AND - hope is on the way if you navigate the energy to your advantage.  

The Astrology
Without delving too deeply into the nitty gritty of the astrology - Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn are rewiring our personal neurology and all governing systems.  This trio trines Uranus in Taurus, which disrupts all ways we have dug our heels in for survival in a dehumanizing system, and the Sun in Virgo, which shines a light on where we need to purify ego and choose neutrality.  The nodes in Gemini/Sagittarius are dismantling rigid belief systems about right and wrong, allowing us to see differences as variations on a theme rather than moral certainties about good and evil.  Chiron and Mars in Aries are asking us to reconsider who we really are at the core, demanding us to know ourselves deeply before acting.  Venus in Leo desires we be valued for our unique gifts and Mercury in Libra wants to find the right way to communicate harmoniously.  Finally, Neptune in Pisces is holding all these personal and collective complex energies in loving and healing liminal space, the space between worlds, when one world is not yet finished, but demands a new one emerge.  When it’s all over, perhaps we will be closer to knowing how to cooperatively relate to the inner and outer worlds from a place of inner authority.  Perhaps we will have some clues about how to relate cooperatively and well enough to thrive.

What are the energies of Mars Retrograde 
Mars in Aries is the primal energy of ‘I AM’.  As a cardinal sign Aries is a creative, initiating force.  As a fire sign it is passionate and inspired.  Ruled by Mars, Aries is confrontational.   It is concerned with using the sword of determination to express the unique self.  It is always oriented in opposition to a second energy in order to know itself by comparison.  At its best,  it is the fierce, determined action to do what needs to be done to nourish, be and express ourselves in a whole and healthy way.  At its worst,  it may act in impulsive, reckless and divisive ways when it feels threatened or blocked to express itself or have its way.  Retrograde Mars in Aries provides intense pressure to confront our conditioning to repress ourselves by understanding the meaning we give to conflict in the interactions with others in our worlds.  There is a need to understand what we are fighting with to be ourselves and to discover what we believe stands in the way of expressing ourselves.  The Capricorn planets caution us to temper impulsiveness with long term goals, they ask us to allow the conflict to be internal and to look inward for the answers to what we're fighting before stepping forward with the sword.   

Who Are We Fighting and Why?
There has been extraordinary evolutionary pressure since January to face our fears and take this path of individuation.  Do we have the right and ability to be self governing?   We’ve not done it before yet the pressure is unrelenting to do it in order to move from surviving to thriving.  In fact, the sense is that unless we can thrive, we won't survive.  To succeed, we must know who we are and what we have to offer, stand in our strength and know how to make boundaries from a generous and inclusive heart. The retrograde will help us learn to stop projecting power outside ourselves in spite of the fact we're conditioned to do otherwise.  And this means we must find and reclaim where and how we’re projecting power onto others.  We must use our spiritual warrior strength to cut through self deception to truth.  And the truth may be complex and lead us to deeply conditioned beliefs and emotions about separation to be reconsidered.

We’ve all been preparing in one way or another.  If you’re a kundalini yogi, you have been preparing for this shift in your practice.  Daily Sadhana brings us deep to know, love and tame the inner worlds.   

Mars retrograde will take us deeper into our conditioning and ask us to relate with others differently.  When we run into conflict, we’ll be asked to face the difficult emotions of fear, anger, resentment and even hatred with others who may try to control us or who we may believe are controlling us.   In fact, even if others are working to control us, it has nothing to do with us and everything to do with their own fears.  Or, if we feel blocked or can’t move the way we want to, we may try to handle our fear and irritation by controlling others. 

This retrograde is a gift.  These primal, limbic emotions are simply the pressure to be and express ourselves that have been buried and have come to the surface.  We are supported to integrate them into our higher consciousness and we’ll have more understanding how to express ourselves more precisely, effectively, cooperatively and confidently by the time the wave hits the shore.  

Some Helpful Things to Get Us Through This Time
  • This wave is a gift from Creator to help us heal and become whole.
  • We’ll know how to move forward with more wisdom and confidence, when the wave settles at the shore on November 14th, both on our personal paths and in community.  
  • It is safe to know the deeper emotions.  We are supported at this time to be patient and control our impulsivity. 
  • You have the right to control your own energy, but not anothers’ energy
  • You only have the right to control your energy, know this and be free.
  • Anger will transform into fierce determination with your loving presence. Use this time as an opportunity to know and love your anger and darker emotions better and well.   When you are able to be with it and allow it, the energy will melt to reveal the deeper vulnerabilities beneath it.  In this gentler place you will free your emotions from the poison of resentment and feel grounded in a new confidence to move forward with fierce determination.  
  • Cut the head off righteous indignation,  using your spiritual sword of neutrality and open heart. 
  • Use this time to develop deeper compassion knowing all beings are on a similar path to reclaim their inner wisdom and will have the hard task, ready or not, to face their deeply buried shadow material. *
  • Know what you are fighting for before your pick up your sword.  Before striking, ask yourself if you’re striking the right target.   
  • Make a boundary with reactivity first. 
  • Mind your own business when you see others struggling with reactivity in a way that causes disturbances and keep others’ success in your prayers.  Their disturbance will pass.  Imagine their desire to succeed. 
  • Continue to work for the higher good and think of others with generosity if you find their reactivity is creating disruptive disturbance that's hard to deal with.  Find a way to give them a wide berth; do not take on the disturbance. 
  • Protect yourself with purity and goodwill.
  • Nourish your mind with the loving thoughts that we are all children who have a right to be here and all have the right to learn by doing.
  • Don't make any assumptions, don't take anything personally, be impeccable with your word and just do your best.  Remember these 4 agreements of Don Miguel Ruiz.
  • Hatred never ceases by hatred, only love will heal.  Know this in your core.

*Shadow material is anything that drives your personality from the unresolved emotions of the past. It is disowned parts of ourselves that haven’t been allowed expression.  It can be recognized in irritation, resentments, positive or negative projections, internal and external controlling and depression.

Are you interested in learning more about yoga, chakra balancing or energy healing?  Learn more at my website and take a yoga class or make an appointment for Chakra Balancing.  

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Trauma Release and Psoas Relaxation

This is an exercise technique that activates a specific involuntary response in our brain stem that allows us to relax back into a state of homeostasis after stress by releasing frozen tension and restoring nervous system balance.  We store frozen trauma and stressful experiences in the psoas muscle.  Whenever we find ourselves in a stressful experience we cannot escape by fighting or running away, our nervous system automatically switches to the freeze response.  Tension stays frozen there until we release it. The exercise is perfect if you’re ready to release everyday stress and very, very helpful for trauma survivors, especially soldiers who’ve been in combat or people with CPTSD.  Your muscles will shake, and that’s a good thing; you’re shaking off nervous tension to a rebalanced state of relaxation. I did this very short technique and felt very refreshed and relaxed. I experienced some tenderness afterwards and needed to have a nap and a massage. Supportive touch was very important. If you decide to do this exercise and want or need facilitation and support, a solid grounding practice will help integrate and massage, energy work or, certified TRE practitioners are available all over the world.    If you want to skip right to the exercise, start the video at 4:21 minutes.  Cheers!

Monday, September 25, 2017

Pluto Goes Direct-The Relief of Clarity-You've Got The Power

Pluto, the planet with the energy to transform bitterness and vengeance to true power, goes direct in a few days ¹, so we’re sitting in a pile of bile until there’s movement on Thursday.  Be gentle with yourself and others.  Try to have a good day, don’t overthink or obsess if it leads to misery.  And if you can’t have a good day, don’t spread your misery.  Take advantage of this energy to get to the bottom of what’s really bothering you and get crystal clear about what you've been trying to achieve.  It’s time to know what's beneath it, what you really want and whether your focus is on the mark or not.   Bonus lesson points:  Only you can decide to make it happen.  What you focus on is what you see.  What you’re working for is what you get.  Extra credit:  Let the obsession with bile point the way out of trouble instead of towards it.  Practice flipping off misery with bitter comedy and let the laugh linger, not the bile.  Extra, extra angel credit:  Be patient with our fellow humans, who are learning the same tough lessons.  Be grateful for those who are patient with you.

Imagine all that’s weighing you down-totally dislodging-all the way from your point of view to the tips of your toes.  Have a good stretch and stay loose.  When Pluto goes direct on Thursday we’ll feel more clear and strong.  It will be time to 'release and flush' the albatross of misery, if we choose. ¹  I'm feeling bitter that misery seems to win all the time, still, I take comfort knowing that energy follows focus and sooner or later, we’ll learn to respect this natural law just like gravity and stop thrashing about against it and finally thrive.

When the planet of the sustained efforts needed to create something in reality-Saturn-moves into Capricorn on December 19th, it will initiate a new 2.5 year work cycle to build something that’s meaningful and built to last. ² The karma master will support us to follow natural law and thrive if we work for it.  Mars' 2 year warrior mission to provide fuel to fully express our power among our peers, aids us, and also hints at a time table for accomplishment.  I wish us all tons of strength and the softness and intelligence to ground our healthy goals in pleasurable satisfaction.  

If you plant ice, you’re gonna harvest wind.  “Franklin’s Tower”  Grateful Dead

I can tell your future, just look what’s in your hand.  “Playing In the Band”  Grateful Dead

Are you interested in an astrology reading?  Contact me through Facebook, my website or email:

¹ Pluto Stations Direct, The Constipation Ends, Time to Release and Flush.  Expect changes and nasty decay to finally rot away as Pluto goes direct.  

Astrology Dates 2017 EST ³
Jupiter 27°22' ♎️ opposes Uranus 27°22' ♈️:  September 28, 2017, 12:25 am
Pluto Direct:  September 28, 2017, Capricorn 16°51', 3:36 pm
Mercury enters Libra: September 29, 2017, 8:42 pm
Full Moon, October 5, 2017 Aries 12°43', 2:40 pm
Uranus 27°01' ♈️ semi-square Neptune 12°01' ♓️:  October 7, 2017, 3:14 am 
Jupiter enters Scorpio:  October 10, 2017, 9:20 am
Venus enters Libra:  October 14, 2017, 6:11 am 
Jupiter 1°22' ♏️ bi-quintile Chiron 25°22' ♓️:  October 16, 2017, 4:53 pm
Mercury enters Scorpio: October 17, 2017, 3:58 am
New Moon:  October 19, 2017 Libra 26°35', 3:12 pm
Mars enters Libra:  October 22, 2017, 2:29 pm
Sun enters Scorpio:  October 23, 2017, 1:27 am
Saturn 24° 47' ♐️ square Chiron 24° 47' Rx ♓️:  November 2, 2017, 5:56 pm
Jupiter 5°10' ♏️ quintile Pluto 17°10' ♑️, November 3, 2017, 3:30 am 
Full Moon:  November, 4, 2017 Taurus 11°  59′, 1:23 am
Mercury enters Sagittarius:  November 5, 2017, 2:19 pm 
Venus enters Scorpio:  November 7, 2017, 6:38 am
Saturn 25°38' ♐️ trine Uranus 25°38' ♈️:  November 11, 2017, 4:45 am
New Moon:  November 18, 2017  Scorpio 26° 19′, 6:42 am
Sun enters Sagittarius:  November 21, 2017, 10:05 pm
Neptune Direct:  November 22, 2017, Pisces 11° 28’D, 9:21 am
Jupiter 9°23' ♏️ sesquiquadrate Chiron 24°23' ♓️, November 22, 2017, 5:29 pm
Venus enters Sagittarius:  December 1, 2017, 4:14 am
Jupiter 11°30' ♏️ trine Neptune 11°30' ♓️, December 2, 2017, 9:19 pm
Mercury Retrograde:  December 3, Sagittarius  29°18′ Rx, 2:34 am
Full Moon:  December 3, 2017 Gemini 11° 40′, 10:47 am
Chiron Direct:  December 5, 2017, Pisces 24° 19’D, 4:47 am
Mars enters Scorpio: December 9, 2017, 3:59 am
Saturn 29°38' ♐️ quintile Neptune 11°38' ♓️:  December 16, 2017, 10:11 pm
New Moon:  December 18, 2017, Sagittarius 26° 31′ ,1:30 am 
Saturn enters Capricorn: December 19, 2017, 11:49 pm
Sun enters Capricorn:  December 21, 2017, 11:28 am
Jupiter 15°17' ♏️ semi-square Saturn 0°17' ♑️:  December 22, 2017, 9:54 am
Mercury Direct:  December 22, 2017, Sagittarius 13°00’D, 8:51 pm
Venus enters Capricorn:  December 25, 2017, 12:26 am
Uranus 24°35' ♈️ semi-sextile Chiron 24°35' ♓️:  December 29, 2017, 12:41 am
Full Moon:  January 1, 2018, Cancer 11° 38′, 9:24 pm
Uranus Direct:  January 2, 2018, Aries  24° 34’D, 9:11 am


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Eclipse Season, Summer 2017 - Sun and Mars Birth the Will of Lost Heart

Mars and the Sun cycle, and eclipse,  just like the Sun and Moon.  Every 2 years they line up at the same degree and start a new warrior focus together.  Just a few days into this Leo moon and eclipse season, yesterday we ended the Sun/Mars cycle which started on June 15, 2015 at 23 degrees Gemini.  The energy of 23 Gemini is: Creative Integration of undifferentiated ego desires and higher mind through the lower mind.¹  

Today we begin a new two year cycle at 3 degrees Leo.   The keynote energy for this Leo degree is: The masculine will to conquer their animal nature and to impress their peers with their skill in performing the ancient traditional power rituals.²

This seems pretty right on to me coming out of our last two moon cycles where we just got down to the nitty gritty of reclaiming the energy stuck in lost pains...recovered consciousness of our primal emotions from tribal conditioning...put it all out in front of ourselves and said ..."I've outgrown the need for old conditioning and I will master my primal emotions for my new purpose". ³  The eclipse journey from 0 to 28 degrees Leo is a journey through the heart and this Mars/Sun conjunction feels like birthing the will of our lost heart.  So, bon voyage, beloveds.  Breathe your power and enjoy!

Are you interested in an astrology reading?  Contact me through Facebook, my website or email:

Go back to my website

¹ (adapted from Dane Rudhyar's notes)

³ My Notes

Finally!  Stepping into Life From Our Lion Hearts
I’ve noticed the moon cycles between May and September seem like one big cycle leading us from troubled waters to clear hearts.  Today, July 20th,  we’re at the halfway mark through an energy shift that started around the Gemini new moon on May 25th.  Between today and Sunday’s Leo moon, the waning moon will pass over the significant degrees of the new and full moons since then, clarifying the purpose of our recent journeys.  So these next few days will be really important in putting the pieces of ourselves back together for the next part of the journey.  For the next four or five weeks we’ll journey through the eclipses with strong purpose and a renewed Lion Heart of courage, excellence, integrity and wholeness. 

To summarize the energy so far, Chani Nichols wrote of May’s new moon 
‘Life is equally inspiring as it is painful. Equally full of truths as it is deceit. Equally as loving as it is brutal…This new moon in Gemini asks us to understand the importance of witnessing life in all its diversity. From every side. Angle. Dimension…Pain can be prohibitive to our education at times. Biology tells us to recoil when an open wound is touched, and our psychology often follows this formula. However, we must learn to push past the survival brain’s signals sometimes so that we can get to the deeper meaning that a situation holds.’¹

I adapted this information from what CIA wrote of the Sagittarius full moon on June 9 
‘As Sagittarius’s symbol, the Centaur, combines the two sides of our brains, and as Gemini is dualistic in nature, at this full Moon we are challenged to be both self-aware of our human consciousness of mind and also the part that is driven by our wild, untamed and natural  animal instincts. (adapted from the text)’²

 Debra Silverman wrote of the Cancer new moon on June 23rd
‘Cancer allows us the hardest lessons. To love humanity as it is. To accept the raw, painful human condition that is never as we think it should be. To open your heart to the wounds that have been put in place during your childhood -- specially designed for you and your karma to eventually see them as the gifts they are…This dark night, a double Cancer sky is asking all of us: can you unconditionally love? Can you see that we are all doing the best we can?’³  Somewhere I read that the key to this new moon energy was allowing ourselves to become conscious of the primal emotions of our past conditioning.  Chani Nichols wrote ‘We can’t lighten up until we get real about what is weighing us down. Until all life is cared for, we can’t feel safe or secure. Personally or collectively.’ ⁴

Finally, Dipali Desair wrote about the Capricorn full moon on July 9th
‘…Consider that the Full Moon in Capricorn invites each individual towards greater responsibility of their emotional world and habits or tendencies…Family/Ancestral patterns show up pretty strongly now too. Some of the issues may feel like they have been carried on for generations down the Ancestral lineage, to the point of feeling rigid and inflamed…As much as you are doing your personal healing and work, there are some bigger patterns happening which may need to be cleared and a greater understanding about how they play out in your life now…’ ⁵


Moon Cycles, Eclipse Dates and Interesting Astrology 

New Moon:  May, 25, 2017 Gemini 8° 15’
Full Moon:   June 9, 2017 Sagittarius 18° 53 (Opposes Taurus Sun)
(Set…your intentions now for when Mars will fully activate the 1° degree point again on September 6th when marching direct again, is about aiming that arrow and looking ahead. CIA

New Moon: June 23, 2017 Cancer 2° 47’
Full Moon:  July 9, 2017 Capricorn 17° 9’ (Opposes Cancer Sun)

New Moon:  July 23, 2017 Leo 0° 44’
Full Moon:   August 7, 2017 Aquarius 15° 25’ Partial Lunar Eclipse (Opposes Leo Sun)

New Moon:  August 21, 2017 Leo 28° 52’ Solar Eclipse 
Full Moon:   September 6, 2017 Pisces 13° 53’ (Opposes Virgo Sun)
(Mars will fully activate the 1° degree point again on September 6th when marching direct again; aim that arrow and look ahead.  CIA

New Moon:  September 20, 2017 Virgo 27° 27’
Full Moon:   October 5, 2017 Aries 12° 42’ (Opposes Libra Sun)

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Welcome friends!  Please take a look around and check back often or join this blogsite for daily updates on Energy Healing, Chakra Balancing, Yoga and Astrololgy.  Go back to my website

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Cancer/Capricorn Moon Cycle

Cancer New Moon, Wednesday, July 2, 2008, 10:19pm
Capricorn Full Moon,
Saturday, July 19, 2008, 3:59am

Meditation for Cancer
I am worthy of self-love. I am worthy of self care. Because I feel this deeply, I choose situations and relationships that radiantly reflect my love and self care. I choose to take care of myself because I am worthy of self care. Because I have walked this path to self love, I have a deep sensitivity for the needs of others and I am a perfect reflection of unconditional love.

Cancer is first emotion, primordial water. She is the vulnerable infant heart, ready to love unconditionally and dependent on the receptivity of others to her love. Her polarity, Capricorn, is independent of others’ opinions. She is mature Mother. This energy is grounded in Earth, the most mature Earth, it knows its worth (Taurus) itself (Virgo), and natural law. She knows how to use it all to create practical solutions to challenges. She is the master manifestor of the zodiac; like the Magician in the Tarot, she knows who she is and how to use the tools she has to create what she wants.

The invitation this moon cycle is to explore the vulnerability and dependency of the Cancer parts of ourselves as we allow the Capricorn Mother part of us to meet, hold and mature this energy. It is a moon cycle to explore old heartbreak, and to observe old heartbreak in our present life around issues of having our loved received and our dependency issues met. We are meant to learn that we are love-able and that our needs are worthy of self care. We will be maturing unfinished emotional infancy issues. Or, we’re experiencing a desire to love unconditionally rooted in our own self worth. When I think of Cancer’s potential, I think of Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Campassion.

Imagine the Cancer part of yourself as an innocent baby who loves who she feels unconditionally. And imagine again, this helpless baby part needs her love reflected back to her to know her love has been received and that her love is good. She needs help to be fed and changed and bathed. Because of these needs, she is very dependent on the response of the other(s).

When you consider the zodiac as a map of evolution of the personality, then you understand that there is a next step in emotional evolution. Cancer is undifferentiated emotion, Scorpio is the shared emotion of two individuals and Pisces is transcendent emotion that consciously understands how we are both separate and one at the same time.

Cancer represents infant love that cannot discern itself from the other. Like the 2 of Cups, it needs to know its love by feeling it reflected back purely. If Cancer needs have not been met as a child, and rarely does a child receive a perfect reflection of their love, then the Cancer part of us will meet the world with vulnerability mixed with resentful dependency in the feeling nature…thus the reputation of Cancer for having a hard carapace and pincers. Vulnerable Cancer must protect herself. Resentful dependency leads the lost child seeking approval to experience everyone as parent.

Alternatively, Cancer needs were met so well that there’s an addiction to dependency. For this Cancer type, if it’s not broke, why fix it! In this case, Cancer is stuck somewhere around 2 yrs old and afraid to take her first steps of independence away from parent because it just feels too good to be taken care of by another.

Yet another way Cancer gets stuck is in reversing the mirroring process. When a child has emotionally dependent parents, Cancer’s empathy will naturally feel their needs and want to reflect love back to them. Cancer’s pink and gentle heart wants nothing more than for others to feel good. The problem arises for this Cancer type when they ‘need’ to care for others to define their self worth. They usually don’t care for themselves first, but only after everyone else is taken care of. This also leads to resentment in relationship.

In all cases the emotional focus is projected outward towards the other as Cancer is dependent on the other for permission to love and care for herself. This is a normal part of emotional development, but it is a painful reality when we get stuck here as adults.

We can understand that healthy differentiation must be achieved somewhere in the middle of this spectrum: our love is reflected back to us well enough to allow us to know we’re love-Able (able to love); our dependency needs are met well enough to allow us to trust that we are worthy of care and finally, the parent and the child see and respect that each are separate beings with different goals and perceptions. In this healthy scenario, Cancer toddles happily away, looking back over her shoulder to make sure Mommy and Daddy are still there, listening to her inner drive for independence, taking her first steps away from her dependency, steadfast in the knowledge that she is love-able and worthy of self care. From this place of security and self worth, she is able to take the next emotional steps towards sharing affection with others as a separate individual.

This moon cycle is our yearly opportunity to explore these Cancer issues so we may finally know the value of our love and worth. Even if you didn’t receive positive mirroring as a child, within you is the Capricorn Mother to show you the way. As Wavy Gravy says, ‘It’s never too late to have a happy childhood!’ J

Focus on where the emotional energy is flowing and ask yourself if it feels safe and right for you. Notice if you’re waiting for approval or if you feel angry when you don’t get approval. There may be some grief work as you realize how your love hasn’t been accepted. For the Cancer part of us, rejection of their pink and tender hearts feels like death. And it is. Rejection for Cancer means putting armor on the heart. Notice if you now only choose people who reject your love. Ask the Universe to send the right people into your life to positively mirror you, too. They will be sent to you! If it is your time, ritualize taking your first steps of independence towards unconditional love for yourself and others. There are no mistakes. If you have suffered Cancer vulnerability, dependency or co-dependency, it was creating a river of deep compassion in your heart!!!!!

To everything - turn, turn, turn
There is a season - turn, turn, turn
And a time for every purpose under heaven

The Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine

Cancer is ruled by the Moon. On an archetypal level, this moon cycle reveals the vulnerability of the Divine Feminine in the full force of the Yang part of the yearly cycle. As the days are longest and Nature’s growth maximal, we meet this most vulnerable feeling part of Her/ourselves. Just as the Yin defines and creates the Yang and the Yang defines and creates the Yin ,the powerful force of this season needs the Feminine to define and create it and the Feminine needs the powerful yang force to define and create it. We cannot fully know our Divine Masculine unless we embrace our vulnerable feeling nature. We cannot fully know our feeling nature without embracing the power of the season. The evolution to maturity of this internal relationship leads us to the Sacred Marriage within us.