Cancer New Moon, Sunday, June 25th, 3:48am EST

Feel Your Power
Cancer New Moon, Sunday, June 25th, 3:48am EST
Summary Gemini/Sagittarius moon cycle to Cancer New Moon
With last month's Gemini New Moon, we had the opportunity to explore our inner dialogue. In Gemini, the inner dialogue we worked with was a particularly mental one; there was a heightened awareness of what we tell ourselves and the consequences of this dialogue in all areas of our lives as the moon circled the zodiac during the complete moon cycle. Hopefully we learned that what we tell ourselves significantly affects what we do, how we do it, what we expect and what and how much we give and receive.
This month our attention is focused on the inner dialogue with our emotions. Just as the relationship with our mind affects our actions in and with the world, the relationship with our emotions powerfully directs us, consciously or unconsciously.
Cancer symbolizes Universal Mother, nurturing, emotional softness and because of her softness, vulnerability. She is symbolized by the crab because she must have defenses to protect her soft underbelly. I think of Cancer energy as Pink in a Red culture. In a culture that glorifies logic and the intellect and debases softness as weakness, emotions have had to go underground. Nobody wants you to know they're pink; we’re usually busy pretending to be red in order to be safe or accepted. There is an assumption in this culture that softness is weakness. But that's changing. With the desire for healing and free expression, we're understanding that our emotions need a place in our lives and that it's our personal responsibility to give them their right place in our lives. Whether your chart is filled with Air, Earth, Fire or Water, each one of us receives and transmits information through an emotional body. Emotions are meant to bring simple messages about the present moment such as: I am safe (stay) or not safe (move back), I am angry (a boundary has been crossed or I need to take more space), I am sad (there is an unsatisfied desire for connection) or I am joyful (everything's flowing!).
This New Moon in Cancer is an opportunity to reassess the assumption about the value of emotions, to explore the tremendous power held in our emotions. If we're afraid or ashamed of them, our emotions will go underground, inside the carapace, and direct us from our unconscious emotional complexes (unhealed emotional wounding from the past). In this case, we hold onto the past with feelings of victim or perpetrator, or blame, plot revenge, or interact with others from a hard, protected, untrusting emotional place. Our bodies feel hard; we feel ourselves tighten when we're triggered emotionally. If we want to be fully in our power, if we desire to experience life fluidly and ecstatically, we must learn to communicate with our emotions; we must learn to listen and respond to the simple message contained within them.
Today and until July 24th and the next new moon, we have the opportunity to learn about our personal relationship to our emotions. With the Full Moon in Capricorn on July 10th, this moon cycle becomes about maturing emotionally. We do this with the gentleness of the Mother, neither judging nor forcing, just listening compassionately to what is. Consciousness is the first step in healing. Directing the will to adult concerns (Full moon in Capricorn) can only come from a place of deep inner knowledge.
Peace, love, blessings, ecstasy to you all, Helen