Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Full Moon in Virgo, Total Lunar Eclipse, Feb 20th, 2008, 10:26-31pm EST



Who is the new you imagined and prayed for at the new moon? The gift of this new moon was an expanded perception of your reality. There was an opportunity to open to a new way of perceiving an old situation. The annular eclipse allowed for powerful release of old limiting beliefs about your relationship to the community and how you fit into and cooperate with the community of humankind. What was your desire? Remind yourself of your new moon desires.

These desires have had to weather the storms of reality as we approach the Earth-y Virgo Full moon. The new moon is a rebirth. The new part of you is naïve, inexperienced, innocent…like a child…unaware of the deeper dynamics that shape reality. (Are you aware that you are creating your experience/your reality with your beliefs?) The seed planted will only bear fruit with attention and nurturing. I do hope you all had the opportunity to feel and nurture the purity/innocence of your new moon desires. If you felt it, the feeling became your prayer; regardless of your experiences this cycle, the innocent prayer was heard by your higher self and the Universe. Now, how do you ground it in reality?

Well, you have to get out of your own way. The waxing moon has shed light on your true relationship with the community. It has revealed where we’re strong and where we’re struggling. If we believe someone is to blame for our struggle, we still have work to do (My personal message is to be the change I want.) Hopefully the waxing moon is revealing the beliefs that shape your reality. Are they working for your desires or against them? The Virgo full moon calls us home to the truth, our Selves, our body, our Virgo Priest/Priestess. And it does so like Coyote, like Trickster. Allow the full moon to turn your beliefs on their heads. Think outside the box. Ruled by Mercury, the path of growth for Virgo is from self deception and criticism of self/the other -> deep self knowledge, acceptance of self/other and discernment…the ability to pick and choose what feeds and nourishes your dreams in reality, in your body. You will know because you will feel it. The truth is in the body in the feelings.

Now, this is the last total lunar eclipse until 2010; it’s a culmination of work we’ve been doing the past several years and will require some integration time. This means it’s BIG!!! There are two release points in your chart to consider: 2 degrees Virgo and it’s opposition 2 degrees Pisces. Here are there Sabian Symbols for your consideration:

2 degrees Virgo


2 degrees Pisces

I believe the message here is: Do you believe you must sacrifice your needs for the collective? Does that work? Does it actually serve? Do you serve from guilt and fear or love-self love and love for the other? Do you know the difference? Do you want to?

In light of it’s opposition: Do you sacrifice your Self (the highest expression of your Divine Self) because your feel overwhelmed by the power of the collective dream/nightmare? Do you feel small in relation to the collective dream/nightmare? What do you do about that? Are you in love or fear? This is a possible interpretation of the potential release of this eclipse. But on this Virgo Full Moon, awaken your inner Priest/Priestess and meditate on the Sabian symbols yourself to discover, in your body, the truth of it for yourself.

Peace, love, blessings, joy, Helen

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

New Moon In Aquarius, Wednesday, Feb. 6th, 2008, 10:44pm

New Moon/Annular Solar Eclipse at 17-18 degrees Aquarius

Cutting chords with unhealthy internal father energy last month has led us to some liberation in wounded parts, allowing a desire to arise for sharing our gifts with the community in some way. Perhaps. Or perhaps we just have a tiny inkling of who we could be if we were liberated. The bottom line of the Capricorn/Leo moon cyle was: let your mistakes lead you to what you really want.

And we land at the doorstep of our love for our brothers and sisters. And our desires for community. Now open to what you really want...not what you don't want...what you want without the problems. The message I get now is: open to receive new messages because solutions will not come from the old beliefs...we must open to receive new ones. Let them flow in. Let the eclipse tomorrow 'break open the head' around wounded beliefs. Check your chart for 18 degrees Aquarius to see what's happening there (or what it's aspecting) because those areas will be activated, liberated (possibly) from old ways of thinking about a problem. But don't think too much about it...or the old beliefs will speak. Let the new inspiration flow into you and around you and with you by your side. In the following two weeks, you will learn how to ground these new ideas into your deepest life flow with the Virgo Full Moon on Feb. 20th 10:30 EST.

Peace, love, joy, blessings, Helen

Imbolc: Return of the Light 2008

February 4, 2008, 1.9 days before new moon in Aquarius on the 26th day of the Capricorn/Leo moon cycle.
The Goddess is Cerridwen: http://paganinstitute.org/PIR/lunar_info.html#Lunar%20Calendar
New Moon
Feb 6, 2008 10:44 pm est at 18° Aquarius* solar eclipse* opportunity to release and shift consciousness in the area of wholeness (cells of Gaia)

The dying Osiris* is lovingly held and heard by the Mother Isis until this deep listening and holding by the Mother results in the birth of the Divine Child Horus. Osiris willingly gives up his life for the new vision of the Divine Child. The Great Mother willingly lets him die for the life of the child.

The Capricorn/Leo Moon cycle invites us to allow Osiris to die so Horus can live his potential. In practical terms, this means we face within ourselves the parts that are standing in the way of our potential, the outward, pro-active ways of be-ing/doing in the world that we now have clarity about, which don't serve Life and the Divine Whole and Gaia!!!!. (Aquarius New Moon in Feb) Leo Full Moon is the opportunity to reveal where we may still be attached to the superiority or inferiority of internal Osiris (Father) and the waning moon period is the time to willingly, consciously release our attachment to Him and let Him die within us.

Imbolc arrives during the dark moon. Imbolc reveals to us the seed of Horus within us, if only we can release Osiris to his rightful death. Our work between now and the Aries New Moon in April is to let Osiris die and birth Horus. The Goddess for this day is Cerridwen, dark mother. Let her take you into this powerful magic releasing day and willingly offer up what you are ready to release to live the potential of Horus. The new moon in two days (New Moon Feb 6, 2008 10:44 pm est at 18° Aquarius* solar eclipse*) is the opportunity to release and shift consciousness around the theme of wholeness and your place in Gaia.

Ideas: This day is best served with a Releasing Ritual…very powerful magic. Carefully connect to shadow and light. Meet the dark Osiris and travel the labyrinth to Horus, on your knees if necessary. Come back out knowing that Cerridwen has recycled this energy for the Solar Eclipse shift on the new moon in two days. Horus will be born on the new moon in Aries, April 5th, 2008.

*The active, action parts of us who have traveled another whole cycle around the wheel and have realized what is not in alignment with the sacred marriage of divine masculine and divine feminine and serving life