Saturday, July 14, 2007

New Moon In Cancer, Saturday, July 14th, 2007, 8:04am EST. Oh Mother We are Calling!

Summary of the Gemini/Capricorn Moon Cycle (June 14th-July13th)
No doubt, the Gemini moon cycle brought deep realizations about limiting beliefs and the opportunity to align the mind/thinking with our higher selves. It has been an opportunity to examine communication styles and to ask ourselves if they serve our evolving selves’ heart’s desires. We had the opportunity to reflect on the relative harmony (or conflict) between the way we communicate and our heart’s desires; to awaken the skill of listening to ourselves and our thoughts.

We’ve had the opportunity to direct our intention, through commitment and dedication, towards aligning the mind/communication style with our evolving self. And this challenging cycle brought valuable information about our vulnerability (Cancer Sun); it may have brought insight into the origin of limiting beliefs, as we had the opportunity with the Capricorn Full Moon to grow up a part of ourselves, to become independent of limiting beliefs. The child’s mind makes many decisions about the meaning of life which may or may not accurately reflect ‘reality’. If a child has the experience that when she smiles, Mommy and Daddy stop fighting, she may grow up believing she must hide her authentic self behind a seductive smile. During this cycle, that grown up child may have felt the desire to connect to others in more authentic, satisfying ways which challenged her immature beliefs, bringing her vulnerability to consciousness, as she took steps to do herself differently. With the Capricorn full moon, the cycle demanded hard work and the creation of structures to support new visions. The grown up little girl may have consciously chosen to invite experiences where she felt supported to express herself authentically. Alternatively, she may have found herself communicating in ways that challenged her desire for authenticity. In both cases, she has brought consciousness to the process; she has awakened the Gemini trait of higher mind ‘listening’ to her process. (1)

Cancer Moon Cycle (July 14-August 12) Oh Mother We Are Calling!
The hard work of the Gemini moon cycle is met by the nurturing arms of the Cancer New Moon. With this new moon, we bridge the mind (Gemini) with the feeling nature. (2) Cancer is a richly complex sign. She is many things at once: the Moon-the seat of ancestral emotions; She is our ancestral roots; Cancer represents our dependent self-the self which looks for tribal approval; it is our emotional sensitivity and dependence-therefore emotional vulnerability. Cancer looks for emotional nurturing: reflection of and caring for deep emotions. She is the compassionate, nurturing Mother, Kuan Yin. Mature Cancer provides emotional nurturing and deep compassion.


IMMATURE -> MATURE (needs to learn)
Over protective -> Protects according to need
Avoids or denies feelings -> Honors and feels feelings in the body
Insecure -> Secure within self
Insatiable -> Satisfied within one self
Hides to feel safe -> Feels safe inside own shell
Accumulates things -> Able to let go of what is no longer useful
Needy -> Can nurture self
Fearful -> Able to trust self and Divine connection
Need to control environments -> Controls one's own reactions to situations
Sacrifices self and own needs -> Can give without losing connection with self
Over sensitive -> Able to protect one's self and honor sensitivity
Confused by unconscious emotions -> Stays with feelings until can interpret messages
Feels vulnerable -> Creates own safe haven and energetic boundaries
Uncertain about own powers/strengths -> Connects within to power of tenacity and focus
Moody -> Flows with shifts in emotions
Can be emotionally manipulated -> Flexible and adaptable in own flow
Co-dependent -> Appropriately gives and receives

Reflect on these keywords and your relationship to the nurturing principle to gain insight into your personal opportunities for growth of your evolving self during this moon cycle.

Firing the Grid
This moon cycle asks us to bring our focus to our Earth Mother, Gaia. She is Mother to ALL Life on this planet. When we meditate on mother energy, in general, we find that it has been very ill for a long time, reflected both in human relationship, human culture and in the health of our Mother Earth. Take a moment to reflect on mother, within yourself, with your own mother, with the Earth. What is your feeling about nurturing? Is it balanced? Is it unbalanced? Is it heart based? Is it fear based? Your meditation will give you clues as to what the opportunity for healing is this moon cycle. Debased, Mother is sick and dying. Where She once had unlimited energy to nurture her children, she is now gasping for Life. This is NOT to say that she is not infinitely abundant; Her aura is simply severely depleted. The principles of Holistic health tell us that all living systems, under conditions of health, will resolve themselves to health.

The Goddess, the Divine Feminine, has been working Her way into our hearts, minds, lives with a strength that defies logic, given Her health. There is a force for Life that is stronger than the depletion we have experienced in Mother energy. It is our Desire for Life. It is Love. It is Compassion. It is our Joy, what makes us feel light and happy.

Many of us have been circulating information about July 17, 2007 at 11:11GMT (7:11 EST). (Fire the Grid and Shelly Yates on Youtube) What I’m understanding is that we’re invited to take one hour on that day to sit in meditation of joy, what brings our heart joy and vitality, to reflect on our commitment to connect with our joy…as a way to bring healthy vitality to the Earth grid and to act as a bridge between the loving energy of the universe and our depleted Earth Mother, Gaia…to awaken our own Mother natures to ourselves and to Her and to trust that we will find a way to heal the relationship to Her and between ourselves, so that we develop structures to support life and abundance for all beings on this planet. Do it! Breathe it! Pray it with your deep emotion! Let your deep emotion flow through your body to feed yourself and Her!

Aquarius Full Moon
If we feel and respond to our feeling nature, we will have a beautiful opportunity this moon cycle to expand the compassionate, nurturing aspect of ourselves. We begin the cycle under a Cancer Sun, intensifying the emotional nature. On the 22nd, we shift to Leo Sun and our focus also shifts to the fire of inspiration of ‘the flourishing individual creative spirit’. Leo represents the journey from immature self (ego) which asks for recognition for its uniqueness-to the mature Self, the individuated ego and recognition that each individual has something unique to offer the whole. Mature Leo knows himself and his gifts and looks for a way to contribute these gifts. Aquarius Full Moon will shed light on the health of the evolving ‘self’. Our emotional vulnerability and nurturing natures awakened, we have the opportunity to shift our focus from ‘self’ aggrandizement to contribution of ‘self’. Awakening compassion to the mother nature and our vulnerable selves will allow us to grow ourselves up in places where we may have once looked outside for attention and recognition to feel powerful, safe, cared for, desired. Whole, we create from a joyful, satisfied place in ourselves. Whole, we are a healthy cell and contribute health to the organism of Gaia, Us.

Peace, love, blessings, joy,


(1) New Millennium Being (to be published shortly)

(2) This New Moon

Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Possible Human

from: A Mythic Life by Jean Houston

Consider my fantasy of the possible human, a once and future person, who may be both what we were and what we may yet become. (She describes a female for simplicity):

The first thing that you notice about her is that she enjoys being in her body. A fullness of being inhabits the body, with its flexible joints and muscles, its movements fluid and full of grace. One senses an ebullience in the bones, an appetite for delight. She is given to long pleasures and short pains, in contrast to most of us, who experience long pains and short pleasures. And if her natural zippiness and boundless curiosity entice her into situations where she gets physically hurt, she is able to control any bleeding and accelerate her own healing.

Like the yogi adepts in the Himalayas, she can voluntarily control involuntary physical processes and stay warm in cold weather and cool in hot. (This is true in emotional climates as well as physical ones.) She can also self-regulate skin temperature, blood flow, heart and pulse rate, gastric secretion, and brain waves. Indeed, she can consciously enter into alpha and theta brain wave states for meditation and creative reverie, drop into delta whenever she wants to go to sleep, and call upon beta waves when she needs to be alert and active. Scanning her body, she self-corrects any function that needs improving.

The new Eve celebrates acute senses, which are not limited to five, for she enjoys synesthesia or cross-sensing, the capacity to hear color and touch the textures of music, capture with her nose the smell of words, and taste the subtlest of feelings. Since her sensory palette is so colorful and wide ranging, she engages and is engaged by the world as artist and mystic, seeing infinity in a grain of sand and heaven in a wildflower. The splendor of her sensory life graces her with an accomanying gift, an excellent memory, for she is so present to the perceptual richness of everyday life that little is lost or disregarded and all is stored in her memory banks for later review and delectation. She can time travel into these memories, walk around in them as if they were happening now-talking to this friend, realizing that moment of joy, even holding the hand of a long ago loved one. Thus, she need never feel lonely, for the past is as present as the present.

And wherever in the past wounding occurred, she can visit that time in her mind as the wiser version of her former self and bring understanding, compassion and wisdom to the occasion. This practice can free capacities that may have been frozen in the painful past and yield frutiful consequences for her present and future development. She is thus a time player, able to speed up subjective time when she needs it to go faster or slow it down so as to savor lovely moments or have more time to rehearse skills or review projects.

The possible human can think in inward images and experience subjective realities as strikingly as she can know objective ones. She listens to inward music as complex as any symphony, in fact often richer, for instruments and sounds are added that are unknown or too expensive for any formal orchestra. She views new movies on her inner screen whenever she wishes, for she knows that it is the nature of the brain to provide stories, well wrought novels for her Inward Television Station. She uses these images to entertain herself as well as to provide the materials of creativity and invention. She is already an adventurer into a vast reservoir of virtual realities and needs no machine to assist her. She knows that self-creating works of art are always budding out of the fields of her mind, and she can capture and rework them as she wishes.

Consciousness for her is a vast landscape, a continuous landscape, and she travels its length and breadth at will. She enters a state of meditation here, a region of deep trance there, finding shortcuts into the realms of fantasy and imagination, spelunking her way into the caves of creativity. She continues to discover the many cultures of her psyche and has matriculated in the Innerversity, studying all manner of knowledge and wisdom that these cultures within provide.

She has many friends and allies in the inward and imaginal worlds, the most important of whom may be the beloved of the soul, the spiritual friend who is her archetypal partner and the companion of her depth reality. And, whenever she feels ready, she journeys to the source places of her soul, where she partakes of the everlasting waters of life and spirit. She lives daily life as spiritual exercise, and her radiance affects all who meet her, for she is deeply empathic, knowing herself part of a seamless kinship with all living things. Being more, and using more of herself, she feels and cares more deeply about the decay and degradation in the social and moral order. In spite of evidence to the contrary, she recognizes others as God-in-hiding, and in whatever way she can, she calls them back to their own possible humanity. She is one about whom we might say, 'The human heart can go the lengths of God.'