Thursday, December 21, 2006

New Moon in Sagittarius, Wednesday, December 20, 2006, 9:01am EST. From the Darkness to the Light

I had a difficult time sending this New Moon newsletter out because it addresses very deep, raw, controversial issues about good and evil that seem way bigger than me or my limited knowledge or experience. In writing it, I met two very strong forces in myself which seem to represent the New Age Seeker part of me and the Shamed Catholic part of me. Because I’m clear I’ve met these parts in this writing, I feel very vulnerable sharing it with you. At the same time, at its core, this seems to be a collective issue of how to deal with ‘evil’ in the world. So, I take the risk to share it with you. Peace, love, blessings, Helen

Summary Scorpio/Gemini Moon cycle November 20th-December 20th

With so many planets in Scorpio accompanying the Scorpio Moon (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter-squared to Saturn in Leo), the cycle brought an extremely heightened awareness of deep vulnerability to wounded passions. The cycle revealed that difficult emotions can sometimes lead us to destructive, even hateful thoughts and actions in an attempt to control them. To understand the relevance of the Scorpio experience, mythology is helpful. The Greek god Pluto abducted the Maiden of Life, Persephone, into the underworld as his bride. Pluto’s function is to reveal the paradox that a desire for life is hidden in murderous emotions. The cycle peaked at the Full Moon in Gemini, ruled by Mercury, the Greek God Hermes, who, in the myth, follows Persephone into the underworld to protect her. Hermes’ role is to bridge the unconscious to the conscious thought process; Persephone cannot leave the underworld unless she brings consciousness of what’s happening there with her to the upperworld. Another way of looking at it is elementally. Scorpio is murky, swampy water. Airy Gemini stirs the muck to the top for examination.

Journey-ing to the underworld is a humbling experience. If we have taken the Scorpio cycle opportunity to dive deep, we have found that contained within our own psyches are the seeds of both good and evil. It is the human condition; all spiritual traditions address it as our reality. But even in the words are found the answers. Evil is an anagram for live. Contained within our darkest, destructive emotions are the seeds for life, waiting to be harvested by the light of compassion.

Sagittarius New Moon
The Sagittarius New Moon cycle brings much welcomed expansion and optimism after the challenges of the Scorpio Moon cycle. ‘In Sagittarius we have a Jupiter/Mars conjunction, plus Mercury, Pluto/Sun/Moon. Yes, Venus in Capricorn and a retrograde Saturn in Leo dampen the party a bit, but nevertheless, sure signs of renewed optimism, faith, joy, and generosity, are busting out all over.’ (1) Sagittarius is the archer: Ruled by Jupiter, half horse-hoofs prancing playfully over the earth; half human-bow and arrow lifted and directed towards the exact spot in heaven representing higher truth. With the same force that Pluto abducts the Persephone part of us into the underworld, Jupiter lifts our wounded animal attention up towards the light. The Cancer Full Moon of this cycle on January 3rd, links Jupiter with the compassionate energy of Kwan Yin: ‘ Jupiter is exalted in Cancer, the archetype of the Great Mother. Kwan Yin Bodhisattva, the Great Mother in the Buddhist tradition, is the embodiment of both Wisdom and Compassion. Kwan Yin is often depicted riding a cloud with her bow and arrow. Like the Sagittarius archetype, she teaches us that we can rise above evil, if we point our hearts in the direction of Spirit. Instead of directing our vengeance at the doer of evil, we release evil from the curse of darkness with the Light of Spirit.’ (2)

The Scorpio Moon cycle revealed the parts of us that are attached to negativity and destructive emotions; we may have noticed the tendency to blame, shame or actually hate these parts of ourselves or others when faced with such emotions. As we celebrate Winter Solstice, enter the North on the Medicine Wheel and celebrate the birth of Christ, this Sagittarius/Cancer Moon cycle offers us the possibility to use our wisdom and mastery through our choice to release our own evil from the curse of darkness with the light of compassionate love. The message here is that we trap our negativity in the darkness through our judgment of it. We make it evil by making it wrong.

Well! I can hear parts of myself saying, well, wait just a minute here…right is right and wrong is wrong. Are you trying to say that these hateful parts of me (or my neighbor) shouldn’t be disciplined, judged, made accountable, punished and directed towards right action? I just have to tell them they shouldn’t do that and how wrong it is to do that...let them suffer retribution for their actions! Ok. Well let’s try that for a moment. Take a minute to remember the most hateful thought you’ve had over the past four weeks. Take a deep breath. Imagine that you're talking to this part of you. Now tell it how despicable it is, how bad it is, how ashamed of it you are and how you never want to experience this part of you again. What is happening to this part of you? Do you feel it shrinking in shame? Descending into more rage? Numbing out? The reaction to shame and blame is to push this energy back into the underworld, where it will fester and gather more negativity. Now let’s try something else. Imagine this same part of you and it is sitting down with a very beautiful person (God/Goddess) like Jesus or a compassionate Mother. God/Goddess looks at you with love and invites you to tell them about your experience. With such a receptive audience, you let it rip, shaming and blaming and raging. God/Goddess says…I understand you didn’t think you had any choice in that place. And you realize you didn’t think/feel you had any choice in that place! They invite you to tell them what it is you really wanted and why you believed you needed to get hard in that place. It may take a little while, but when approached with compassion, it’s revealed that all along this hateful place really wanted love, acceptance, safety, space…something really important! It’s also revealed that sometime in your existence getting hard actually served you, but now it keeps you from your desire to live and love freely. How does that feel? Have you noticed that shaming the evil makes it stronger? Have you noticed that loving it makes it softer and more willing to choose differently? And that’s the key. Softness actually liberates ‘evil’ to choose differently. Like the archer raising his bow to that exact point of truth, we realize what it is this part of us actually wants and aim for it with our choice, our free will. We have the choice to either shame it and make it more evil or love it and liberate its power towards the light.

Shifting Belief Systems and Jesus’ Gift
We are born into a set of beliefs which are held by our families, cultures, nations, etc. In order to be a part of our family, culture, nation, we agree to these beliefs. They form a ‘Book of Law’, as Miguel Ruiz writes in “The Four Agreements” or template of existence. And the template varies from family to family, culture to culture, nation to nation, religion to religion. Any belief which falls under our agreed upon template makes us feel safe and conversely, any belief which is outside the template causes fear for survival and sickening unease in the solar plexus (the point in the belly just below the ribcage from which our Will originates). Even if we know a belief to be wrong, if it goes against the template it will make us feel unsafe. Even if we’ve been born into a band of lying, thieving scoundrels and we desire to take a different path, we will meet fear, in fact-abject terror, when we try to change. So, it’s not very easy to evolve belief systems. As soon as we try to change something, we experience panic, dread and often turn back towards the comfort of the old belief system. Collective changes happen in the culture because individual seekers have the courage and strength to follow their inner truths towards heart regardless of personal discomfort, expanding the possibility of the collective template.

Jesus brought a message of compassion and love for the sinner. His sacrifice and gift was to allow Himself to experience the real human drama of betrayal and death while keeping His body and mind pure of vengeful thought and emotion, releasing evil from the curse of darkness. Imagine how difficult this must have been for the human part of Him! But through His will and focus of intention, Jesus kept His heart open in compassion: ‘Forgive them Father, they know not what they do.’ This was not a judgement-He understood the hateful action of His murderers were confused and suffering parts. As we’ve no doubt discovered, hate festers in the body and mind as suffering. His gift was to bring this experience into the collective as a possibility for us all. Before His sacrifice, the “Book of Law’ for humans did not include this possibility for compassionate understanding of evil on a collective level. It’s my belief that it’s taken 2000 years to understand that the significance of His gift is an opening in the template of each of us, regardless of family, culture, nation, religion. His gift allows the possibility that the human part of us can experience this Christ consciousness within ourselves…for our own darkness as well as compassion for those who are suffering in their own darkness.

The seeds for this New Moon in Sagittarius are the seeds of compassion for the darkness in ourselves and others. As we enter the Winter season, we bring the optimism and faith of Jupiter, and the compassion of Christ and Kwan Yin to our process. We are entering the North on the Medicine Wheel, the place of mastery, wisdom, truth and understanding. The Sun enters Capricorn today at 7:22pm. Both the North and Capricorn represent the solar plexus and our relationship to our will. It is therefore the time of year when we come into our power as elders; no matter what our age, we use our accumulated wisdom gained in traveling the wheel another year to focus our intention and choose the way we want to direct our energies.

In working with the energy of the Sagittarius moon cycle, we are guided to moderation of excess. Below are listed some key words for the Sagittarius path to guide you during this Moon cycle. (From (2))
Peace and love, goodwill towards all beings during this holiday season and always, Helen

The Sagittarius Path
-Over extended, too many projects -> calculates implications before committing
-Scattered, lacks follow through ->can focus and concentrate
-Unfocused -> can concentrate and take careful aim
-Monkey mind -> can organize thoughts and stay focused
-Impulsive, acts precipitously -> evaluates facts before taking action
-Glittering generalizations -> Straight direct communication, to the point
-Blunt, hurtful -> direct truth, helpful
-Gullible -> trusts the truth
-Prone to excess and risks -> expansive, attracts good fortune
-Puer, naïve -> seeker
-Projects blame -> looks inward for causality
-Fanatic -> wise sage
-Over-zealous -> devoted to and listens to the truth
-Dogmatic beliefs -> experiences Spirit directly
-Moralistic -> Inspirational
-Impatient-> patient
-Lose temper under pressure -> discipline replaces rage
-Judgmental -> shares wisdom
-Needs to be intellectually superior -> humbled before the wisdom of Spirit
-Needs to be appreciated -> grateful to be able to inspire others
-Fear of imperfection ->able to share humanness
-Limited viewpoint -> sees the higher perspective
-Righteous indignation -> lives the truth
-Preacher -> teacher

(1) Moon Messages
(2) New Millenium Being: #126: The Sagittarius Path: This article by Guru Rattana, pHD will be published at this link shortly. For more information, or the full article, write to me at:

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Moon Cycle

Why Explore Moon Cycles?
As we feel the internal drives for healing, self actualization and service become strong, we look for roadmaps to guide and support the small steps we take day to day. Recognizing the wisdom of the natural cycles and awakening our natural resonance with these cycles helps to ground the healing work in the body, mind and spirit, bringing focus and strength to the physical world of daily routines and relationships; it deepens our relationship to the natural world. When we explore the opportunities and challenges of the monthly moon cycle, we bring focus to a process which often leaves us feeling overwhelmed by choices and possibilities, which often asks us to surrender to the unknown. With focus of our energy and intention, the healing process becomes a journey of exciting challenges, small victories that awaken self confidence and loving compassion to our process.
The moon cycle describes the relationship between consciousness and sub-consciousness, active understanding and reflective understanding, manifest and un-manifest potential, reflected by the light and dark phases of the moon. As we re-integrate the value of the Divine Feminine in our lives, the moon cycle guides us to honor both active and reflective perception.

How do we experience the energy of a Moon Cycle?

Where the moon is untouched by the light of the Sun, our experience is more internal than external, so as we start the cycle at the new moon, we're waking up to something in ourselves. That something is the theme described by the astrological sign in which we find the new moon. It's the time to plant seeds of consciousness around this theme; knowledge of the theme brings heightened awareness to the opportunities and challenges present in daily life and consequently awareness of our relationship to this theme. As the moon’s reflection waxes from new to full, our understanding grows as well and the theme is brought to full consciousness in the full light of the sun. The sign in which we find the full moon describes the potential for maturity of the theme, where we're being asked to bring our conscious focus. As the moon wanes from the Sun into darkness again, our attention turns inward, and we become more reflective than effective about what we've learned. This is an integration period. In the last days of the dark moon before new moon, what started as seed consciousness has had the chance to grow and mature before coming back in spiralic motion around the zodiac to the sign where the cycle began. The reflective, internal focus of this time allows integration of the theme in our deepest sub-consciousness to awaken seeds for the theme of the next new moon.

Interesting references:
Virtual Moon Phase Ephemeris: Will show you the phase of the moon at a click
Navy Online Lunar Ephemeris: Determine the exact day of the moon cycle
Lunar Phases Description: Discover the meaning of each phase of the Moon, including the meaning of the lunar phase at birth
Moon Goddesses: Determine which Goddess rules the phase of your birth.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Gemini Full Moon, Monday December 4, 2006, 7:25pm EST, A LIGHT IN THE DARK

No doubt there has been ample opportunity to bring compassionate consciousness to our dark places and connect to our passion for life this Scorpio moon cycle. And we will continue to have opportunities to deepen the relationship with this passionate energy throughout the duration of the cycle ending at the New Moon in Sagittarius, Wednesday, December 20th. My strong desire is that we all find our way through the murkiness of toxic emotions to the clarity of full engagement of our passion in productive, happy lives. As the cycle moves from seed consciousness to Full Moon, we are also, no doubt, becoming aware that we need help to move from toxicity to clarity. There may be a sense that Divine guidance is necessary to transform our wounded passions.

When challenged with deep passions, we sometimes connect to very young child parts of ourselves who believe they have no choice but to harden against the circumstances causing them pain; since we’ve never known ourselves any differently, we end up identifying and limiting ourselves when we meet circumstances that remind us of the earlier time. From this young child place, we erected a number of beliefs that limit our free expression in the present. First, we decide the world is a certain way, eg, ‘grown ups never listen’ or ‘in order to be loved I must shine brighter than everyone else’. Then we decide that we are a certain way, eg, ‘I must talk loud’ or ‘I must work harder than anyone else’. It becomes exhausting to maintain this vision of ourselves and the world after awhile. At the Full Moon Monday night, we will experience a change in focus, as the airy detachment of Gemini allows us to take some emotional distance from identification with the trauma hidden in these places.

The Gemini path is one of loving compassion born of ‘right thinking’. The glyph symbolizing Gemini the twins are two pillars connected at top and bottom. One of the pillars is open to the lower nature of body, feelings and mind and the other is open to higher mind or divine self. The meaning is that the lower mind has to fade and become submerged to the higher mind, which will then grow and glow.1 Gemini brings an airy chaos to concrete thinking, concerned as it is with seeing all elements that make up any given situation. There is a possibility that communication will lack emotional depth with airy Gemini, but if we stay focused on the opportunity at this Full Moon to bring consciousness to our thought processes, we can use Gemini’s influence to expand our limited thinking about ourselves and others in the wounded child places we have been working with this moon cycle. We will be challenged to see beyond the limiting beliefs of our small ego. And we will be challenged to go beyond dualistic thinking such as either I’m right or they’re right. We will be supported to expand our perceptions and connect to higher thinking about the situations and relationships that our passions are disturbingly engaged with which will allow our full positive engagement. Perhaps we are already more clear that these limiting beliefs don’t serve our higher goals; this Full Moon is the time to bring focused intention to lifting veils about these limitations, to invite our higher selves to bring light to the mystery.

For this Full Moon ritual, create an environment that will support an unstructured flow of communication, such as drumming or chanting. Allowing the flow to be open will create space for different perceptions to be experienced. In circle, share your present understanding of the relationship with your wounded passion and bring your intention to understand yourself and others more completely, clearly and cleanly.

Peace, Love and Blessings, Helen

1-The Twelve Tasks of Hercules

Monday, November 20, 2006

New Moon in Scorpio, Monday, November 20, 2006, 5:18pm EST, IN LOVE WITH LIFE

Mother, guide me in your truth and illuminate my path

This is a particularly detailed New Moon entry since I believe the tranformational energy of Pluto and Scorpio is vital to the healing of the Earth.

At this New Moon in Scorpio, we are invited to enter the dreamtime of our deep emotional life with intention. We have the opportunity to nurture wholeness in ourselves by honoring and acknowledging the rich, life affirming vitality and emotional depth that is possible when we are tuned into the inner life. We are invited, as well, to connect consciously to the transformational power, rich truths, and regenerative, life-giving, healing sexuality hidden in the often murky internal emotional atmosphere of wounded passion. Scorpio is often justly and unjustly maligned energy, for when it is bad, it is very, very bad, but when it is good, it is a superpower for Truth, Justice and the way of Light. In Shamanic Astrology, Scorpio energy is described as ‘Life Force Energy as a Path to God/dess.’ When you are tuned into it, you are capable of deep emotional intimacy and compassion for the other and all Life.

It is the Force, our Power, with a capital P, and like Anakin Skywalker in the modern mythology of our time, Star Wars, we must be trained to use it as a Jedi Knight or Priestess. Like Anakin, we have the choice, if contaminated by its dark side, to let this energy consume us and create more darkness, or train ourselves to use it as a Force for Light. Wounded by abandonment, death and betrayal, Anakin finds himself faced with the deeply disturbing and destructive emotions of vengeance and righteous retribution. It’s not always immediately apparent that there is another choice when faced with such emotions. Because they are so powerfully disturbing, it often seems that vengeance is righteous and Justice will be served. But instead of being released from the body and the psyche as a purification, as vengeance so short-sightedly promises, perpetuation of these emotions in destructive actions or thought forms causes the wound to fester and deepen and Darth Vader is born. True Justice is Libra's domain(Venus)and the Justice card in the Tarot (VIII); unless vengeance is purified in the heart, it turns against the perpetrator, a karmic balancing, as a sick malaise of body, mind and spirit.

As Star Wars illustrates, turning our back on Darth Vader won’t eliminate the energy from our lives. We must use the light face of the Force to bring Darth Vader to healing, so that the full power of our Life Force energy is focused toward Life and Love. Thus directed, the healing power of Kundalini energy is released from the sacrum to the third eye.

Scorpio energy is associated with the Priestesses of Isis, of which Mary Magdelene and Mother Mary were initiates. Some of the Priestesses of Isis were trained to use the power of intentional sexual pleasure to purify the emotional and etheric bodies of emotional wounding. Tantric practices are used by many initiates today for the same purpose. The work of David Deida explores how raising the vibration of love in sexual union can be directed intentionally to raise the vibration of love in the world.

Another manifestation of Scorpio is the person who is deeply tuned into the forces of life, death and rebirth in Nature and healing. Scorpio is the sign of the Shaman and wise woman, the Crone,the energy healer and psychotherapist.

The Scorpio path describes an initiation in the use of this energy; if you have Scorpio planets or Ascendant or a prominent Pluto, you are an initiate in the use of life force energy. But everyone has Scorpio and Pluto somewhere in the chart. There are many reasons why Scorpio is feared, historical and complex, some of which I’ll address below. The important thing to know now is that we are being asked to look beyond the word Scorpio and the negative connotations it holds and bring our compassion to the real emotional difficulties that all of us experiences in life. It’s my opinion that embracing the emotional depth of the inner life will lead to great healing for all Life on this planet. Some keywords to illustrate the Scorpio Path, from immature to mature (exerpt from New Millenium Being: The Scorpio Path by Guru Rattana, Ph.D.):

Denial->acceptance, awareness
Distrust -> trust
Black and white thinking -> see things the way they are¸ embrace all
Double standards ->non-judgment
Addiction to drama ->intense engagement in real life
Commotional emotions -> connection to the pulse of life
Inner torment, troubled -> strong emotional core
Overpowering fear and anger -> inner truth, insight
Exhaust self with efforting -> magnetize opportunities
Downward spiral to depression -> focus on the Light and transformation
Deceitful -> ability to recognize deception
Corrupt -> naked honesty
Controlling -> inspiring
Manipulative -> strategic thinking
Need to control -> ability to surrender
Power struggles -> profitable and meaningful collaboration
Desire for control -> desire for highest good
Annoying poking at -> offer penetrating wisdom
Fear of dissolution -> able to hold on to identity and oneness
Manipulate -> collaborate, merge
Stuck -> flow with natural cycles
Isolated and alone -> deep intimacy with transformative powers

If you are interested to read a detailed analysis of the evolution of the Scorpio Path, I refer you to this entry:
The Scorpio Path

What is the Path of the Initiate or the Jedi Warrior/Priestess?

Have you ever been somewhere familiar in the dark? Objects that were clearly delineated by the Sun lose their solid shapes. When you try to use your eyes in the dark, you perceive the shadows of things. The mind fills in details according to its predisposition. A hat rack becomes a ghoul waiting for unsuspecting children in the corner. The branches of a tree become the tentacles of a forest monster waiting for your approach to grab you into its clutches. At the dawn, these same objects lose their mystery and we are no longer afraid. In reality, has anything changed? No. Only the way we perceive ourselves when we can only ‘see’ shadows.

There are several possibilities for dealing with perception in the dark. You can wait for the light so you can see clearly or you can react as if the shadow truth is reality or you can face the fear of the imagination and use other senses to perceive the truth.

A perspective on the nature of the split
A long time ago, we lived in nature with both the day and the night. During the day we let our eyes guide us. At night, without the full use of our eyes, we opened to the other senses. Hearing and smell became more acute. We allowed the body to be calm and grounded so we could navigate forest terrain. We calmed the fear of the imagination to listen to our gut instincts to guide us. In esoteric teachings, the differences in the modes of perception describe Solar and Lunar orientations. Perhaps there has always been a predisposition in humanity to over-value Solar perception, I suspect that’s true, but it’s clear that for the past 5000 years or so, there has been a trend towards honoring only what can be seen in the light and fearing the mystery of the dark. The development of monotheism and Akhenaton, the Sun God, turned the orientation of humanity, en masse, towards a deification of what we could ‘see’ in the light of the Sun. Eventually, the Moon and Her mysteries were demonized, just as the connection to deeper modes of perception were rejected as less than accurate. Certainly, for the past few thousand years, there has been an evolution towards exclusively esteeming the perceptions of the mind, which is linked to the Sun god.

An invitation to come home
At its very core, the battle between the Sun god and the Moon goddess represents an internal conflict between our instinctual natures and the intellect. But before I get too far off track here and start going off on the Lemurians and the Atlantians, Wilhem Reich and rejection of the animal nature, I’d like to invite you to come into the dark for a moment. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths…connect to the places in your body where the breath can’t reach…this is the place where wounded Scorpio lives in you. When the breath and energy flow freely in these places, there is an ecstatic appreciation of life and emotional intensity. In order to reach the wounded places and connect to your emotional depth you have to learn how to ‘see’ in the dark. You can only reach these places by turning off the light, facing the shadows your mind creates, tune into your other senses and breathe perception into them. Your perception is, as my dark moon sister Anna so beautifully described it…In-Sight.

The power of Pluto
Back to the mind for a moment, but I promise to bring you back to your Scorpio shortly. Pluto rules Scorpio and for me she is the dark Goddess in all her manifestations: Kali, Hecate, Cerridwen, Lilith, etc. What is her role and why has she become so important to us at the present time? The planet Pluto was discovered in the 1930’s and as an archetype, it is my belief She represents the power of nuclear energy behind our repressed animal natures. During the last century, the destructive power of unconscious Plutonian energy was experienced as three world wars and a severely suicidal attitude towards the health of humanity and the Earth. In astrology, where you find Pluto in the chart is where you have the raw power of atomic energy to transform the area of life in the house Pluto tenants and the planets it aspects. Pluto is like The Tower card in the Tarot(XVI); whatever it touches crumbles to its constituent elements to be reborn as the Phoenix. As a transpersonal planet, Pluto’s destruction is meaningful: whatever is destroyed is meant to be re-oriented towards the collective good.

Pluto represents the raw transformational power of the wounded animal nature, the eternal power of the cycles of life, death and rebirth. In mythology, the wounded healer, Chiron, half man and half horse, was mortally wounded in his flank, or animal nature. Esoteric Astrology tells us that in order to heal the Chiron part of us, or that part of us that is wounded and divided as Solar and Lunar, Atlantian and Lemurian, we must heal the heart of the animal part and the solar plexus of the human part of us. We must relax our bodies and face the fear of our dark places and breathe perception into them and use our will to intentionally direct our life force energy with our In-Sight.

Some excercises to practice
But how can we reach this part of us and what does all this light/dark stuff really mean in practical terms? I invite you to close your eyes again and take a few deep breaths. Now bring yourself to a recent time when you have experienced yourself in one of the following ways: betrayed, victimized, manipulated, controlling, jealous, vengeful. Take a few more deep breaths and pay attention to what is going on in your body and where the breath can’t reach. Pay attention to the emotions that you are feeling. And acknowledge the raw power of these emotions. Kali guides you here; the power itself is neither good nor bad, it is simply power, your power. You may want to open your eyes and go pour a stiff drink or start planning your revenge strategy to dissipate the uncomfortable feelings outward, but stay with me. Don’t give your power away. Take a few more deep breaths with the intention that you will feel your way through the shadows of this place to an inner perception of truth. This mode of perception isn’t like turning on the light; you must practice listening deeply and compassionately in order to calm the mind and bring light to the shadows. You must reach it with your heart. Allow yourself to reach a peaceful place inside yourself. If this isn’t possible, promise yourself you will come back to it when you feel you have more practice.

Let’s do another exercise: Imagine you are walking through the dark forest at night. Take a moment to breathe deeply and connect to your feelings. Hear the mind and listen to how it wants to create monsters from the shadows; listen to your body, ground yourself so you can navigate the dark forest terrain with your other senses. You may want to pick up a stick to fight imagined predators. Calm the mind. Do you really need the stick? If you believe the mind that the woods are filled with predators, what will you do with the stick if you happen upon another being? Will the stick become a weapon that’s used to hurt or be turned against you? Calm the mind and ground the body and continue walking through the dark woods. Do you hear anything? It’s just the owl who’s hooting in the tree. Continue walking, breathing into the hard places, grounding. Listening, feeling, responding with your full attention. The mind doesn’t help you here and soon it is quiet. As your senses take over, you notice the fear has dissipated; you feel safe. More than simply safe, you feel awake and alert and alive. You are responsive to your full accessible senses and fully in your power.

This is the Scorpio path. It is the dreamtime, the West, the shadow parts of the psyche. It lives in our feeling self. We must meet it with our feeling self. We cannot reach it with the mind because the mind will create monsters and predators from the shadows. The only way to illuminate it and access its power of life, death and rebirth is to feel your way through it to heart. When we keep these emotions in the dark, they fester in the body and are released as destructive tendencies in relationship or towards ourselves. When we meet it with the heart, it is transformed to the raw power to transform bile into honey that can be intentionally directed towards Love and Life.

There are some very good suggestions for working with difficult Scorpio emotions at the end of this entry: The Scorpio Path. Another resource is 'Healing Pluto Problems' by Donna Cunningham. In this book, there are many exercises to help channel difficult emotion. Color therapy is also very helpful; deep purple can soothe and purify harsh Scorpio emotions.

For those who have walked the Scorpio healing path and are living an ecstatic, emotionally rich life of service, I thank you for paving the way for Life.

Peace, love and blessings, Helen

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Full Moon In Taurus, Sunday, November 5, 2006, 7:58am EST, Feel Your Desire

Summary Libra New Moon
This moon cycle, Libra New Moon to Taurus Full Moon to Libra Dark Moon, is ruled by Venus, goddess of love. Her energy can be understood as the principle of attraction that ensures good feelings. In Libra, Venus describes our attraction to other people, specifically harmony in relationship to other people. In Taurus, She is concerned with attraction to beauty, and the material resources that will ensure our personal security and thus the physical pleasure of positive sensation. Venus, by Herself, doesn’t ensure that higher love will be attained; she only provides the desire for good feelings that will lead a person to mature until they attain it. This moon cycle we get a double dose of Venusian desire.

In Esoteric Astrology, Venus hold a special place. Her mysteries have been lost for the most part over the past few thousand years; but are slowly reawakening through those who allow themselves to open to the desire that She gifts them with. Her gifts require a healing of the Divine Feminine in each of us so that the receptive principle is strong in us. She is calling us to remember that the desire for harmony will lead us to purify our love. She calls us to know real beauty in the physical world and so directs us to an appreciation of the abundance of the natural world. She directs us to feel pleasure in our bodies and so to purify the body of toxicity, negative beliefs and painful contractions that keep us locked in scarcity mentality.

This moon cycle is an opportunity to explore Venus themes about security and relationship; it becomes very important to reflect on where we are in the process of identifying and purifying our beliefs so that love is pure. If we are relating from immature Libra, we will have tendencies to look to the other to either define us or hold our negative projections. As the Moody Blues wrote in ‘A Question of Balance’ (very Libra!), ‘…All the love that you’ve been giving, has all been meant for you.’ In this kind of relating, we give to get. We believe we have to give to get. We may try to please the other to keep peace. We are dishonest in the cause of tactfulness. This kind of relating causes great stress in the body and cuts heart flow.

Full Moon in Taurus
About Taurus
Taurus, the first earth sign, awakens us to both the pleasures and the necessities of physical reality. The fire energy of Aries activates our spirit. We are excited about being alive. The earth energy of Taurus tells us our spirit lives in a physical body and we are in charge of taking care of it. Taurus introduces us to the practical reality of basic needs - food, water, shelter, etc. To get these needs met we have to establish a healthy relationship with the Earth plane. Unhealthy attitudes include neediness, scarcity mentality, greed, irresponsibility and unaccountability. Healthy attitudes include gratitude, abundance and sufficiency-for-all mentality, taking responsibility for ourselves and being accountable for our actions.

Taurus teaches us about the material world. Our initiation begins with establishing material values and taking care of our basic needs. As our initiation advances, we discover that all matter is conscious - including our bodies, animals, plants and the rocks, soil and minerals of the Earth. Everything is interconnected, interdependent and held together by Spirit.

As our perception opens to the oneness of the material and the non-material dimensions of existence, our values and priorities change. The more we are in touch with the spirit infused in our bodies and the Earth, the more we can experience the beauty and peace that Taurus archetype holds so dear. 1

Libra, as an Air sign, is mental. The first part of this moon cycle has provided an opportunity to explore mental attitudes towards relationship. Taurus, an Earth sign, grounds our understanding in the physical body, bridging the body-mind. We may connect our mental attitudes with body sensations: where we are holding emotion in our bodies. Likewise, we are given the opportunity to look at how we feel about abundance, scarcity and self-value and how our attitudes affect our ability to relate to the other. We are holding these feelings and beliefs in our bodies.

In every moon cycle, the seeds we planted at the New Moon become illuminated by the Full Moon in the full light of the Sun.
As a fixed sign, Taurus might point out areas in our lives where we are too addicted to comfort. Venus attracts us to comfort and pleasure, but doesn’t assure that it will be a mature expression of pleasure. If there has been a deprivation or over emphasis on physical security and comfort, there may be an over-reliance on material comfort as a substitute for the deep pleasure of feeling you have enough or are enough. In terms of the New Moon seeds, this full moon might expose how we use relationship for security. The Taurus Full Moon in the light of the Scorpio Sun emphasizes the 2nd house/8th house polarity. In a natal chart, there is always a strong clue to how a person will experience relationship by looking at the 2nd/8th house opposition (Taurus/Scorpio). There is strong connection between a person’s attitudes toward material resources, security and self-value (the 2nd house-Taurus) and their ability to get their needs met in intimate relationships: how easy or difficult it is to allow the death of the ‘self’ in moments of intimacy to allow the birth of a third energy when two people unite in intimacy (the 8th house-Scorpio-for this reason the 8th house is also known as the house of ‘other people’s resources’, but more on that next month and the Scorpio new moon).

With the Sun, Mars, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in Scorpio in opposition to this month’s Full Moon in Taurus, there is strong support to excavate the deepest recesses of our beings to find the truth about what we believe about pleasure and comfort and abundance and especially our self value.

This Full Moon then, is a time to reflect on attitudes towards harmony in relationship, pleasure and good feelings. Are we receptive enough to allow desire to melt defenses against pleasure? It is only in opening ourselves to the full power of these desires that we will find the strength to guide our wounded selves towards mature expression of harmony and pleasure. It isn’t only our individual personal happiness that will be affected by this quest, but the health of all humanity. As one person allows light to permeate their being, they become a beacon of love for all.

For the Full Moon ritual, allow desire to hold center stage in your body. Create a structure to hold desire for harmony in relationship, self worth, abundance, physical pleasure in ritual enactment. Dance would be an ideal way to hold this space. Walking in nature, relaxing the body, allowing yourself to feel pleasure would be another. Meet the parts of you who are contracted against pleasure with the unconditional love of the Mother.

I got kind of giddy this morning as I realized that Halloween/Samhain fell right smack in between the new and full moons of this Venus moon cycle. ‘Samhain is the time of year when we honor the dying season. The remains of this year’s harvest begin to decompose and transform into fertilizer for next year’s crops, providing nourishment to sustain us. Samhain is an opportunity for us to focus on how death, separation or loss have affected us as loving beings. We can work with our disappointments and grief, clearing ourselves for a more open expression of love.’ 2 At this time of the year as well, we transition from the dreamtime of Autumn, the shadow, the unconscious in the West, to the wisdom and mastery and purification of the winter and the North. We may have started this cycle with conscious intentions about relationship and met the reality of our style of relating, bringing to conscious awareness the parts of us wounded in love. We may have discovered the parts of us that are ready to be shed in the death of this coming winter. What we have discovered may need to be grieved before it can be shed; it will decompose slowly over the coming months, transformed into the raw fertilizer of renewed conscious energy in the spring. So, I wish you all a peaceful death and release of those parts that are ready for transformation this season. I give thanks to the Ancestors who guide us and hold us in their wisdom.

Inspired by Venus' desire for harmony and pleasure, I'd like to share some readings from the We-Moon Calandar. The first is a meditation for chakra love activation and the second is an inspiring story of a woman who is a warrior for peace. peace, love, blessings, Helen

Chakra Love Activation

Beginning with the 1st (root) chakra at the base of the spine, traveling up each chakra until the 7th (crown) chakra, touch each chakra area, breathe deeply, visualize the chakra color as pure and radiating, and say each phrase. Allow yourself to be filled and overflowing with the light and love surrounding you.

1st chakra-red-physical center (coccyx)-I TOUCH LOVE-Breathe
2nd chakra-orange-sexual center (pubic area)-I CREATE LOVE-Breathe
3rd chakra-yellow-power center (solar plexis)-I EMPOWER LOVE-Breathe
4th chakra-green-heart center (heart)-I FEEL LOVE-Breathe
5th chakra-blue-communication center (throat)-I EXPRESS LOVE-Breathe
6th chakra-indigo-Intuitive center (center of forehead)-I PERCEIVE LOVE-Breathe
7th chakra-violet-spiritual center (crown of head)-I AM LOVE-Breathe

Women in Black
by J.E. Mara 2004-We Moon Calandar
Just days before Christmas, I arrive at the post office for my first Women in Black gathering. About ten women clad in black are already standing in a line. One is holding a sign: ‘Women in Black. To honor the lives lost to violence and be the peace we seek.’ Begun in 1988 by Palestinian and Israeli women uniting to reduce violence in the Middle East, Women in Black have stood together all over the world. I am glad I will be one of them.

Grief is in my heart for all the people caught up in the horrific violence in Iraq. What if bombs were falling on my town? Or soldiers bursting into my home? What if I had to break into homes? What if I had to kill someone?...My heart is heavy as I join the women standing silently. How will we be received? Some folks ignore us. Some send a smile or a nod. Most walk on with deadpan faces. How can I connect with them? I remember metta, a Buddhist practice of generosity I learned in meditation class. You repeat phrases of well wishing over and over; for yourself, loved ones, strangers, even people you don’t like.

I silently repeat the phrases in rhythm with my heartbeat. May you be full of loving kindness, to the women dropping a bill into the Salvation Army kettle. May you be well, to the man who stops to read our sign, then hurries off. May you be peaceful and at ease, to the woman in the wheelchair rolling herself up the ramp. May you be happy, to the man who says, ‘I’m with you’ as he strides by.

I am deep in the peace of this connection when it is time to stop. I ask what the other women did while standing. One thought of the people in Iraq, another mentally held hands with all the Women in Black around the world, ‘holding those who hold peace.’ When I joined these Women in Black I didn’t know I would benefit. I remember learning that while we never know wheter metta benefits those to whom we direct the phrases, we can certainly feel when metta opens our own hearts.

May you be full of lovingkindness. May you be well.
May you be peaceful and at ease. May you be happy.

1-New Millenium Being: Inner Taurus
2-We-Moon Calandar 2006-pg.159

Saturday, October 21, 2006

New Moon In Libra, Sunday October 22, 2006, 1:14am EST

Summary of the two month long Virgo/Pisces, Virgo/Aries moon cycles
As of this writing, October 20, 2006, we are currently finishing up a two month long Virgo moon cycle. The first month, Virgo new moon encouraged us to find our inner Priestess (regardless if you’re a man or woman), directing us to harness the energy raised during the summer in service of our higher spiritual goals by focusing on our personal emotional processes in the day to day rituals of life. The first full moon of this two month cycle, the Pisces full moon, was a delicious invitation to the understanding that when we fully commit to our personal process, we paradoxically lose ego attachment to self and birth compassion for the suffering of all beings. When we are committed to being with our personal suffering compassionately, our focus becomes more clear: we see our personal responsibility in our own happiness or unhappiness; we lose the desire to blame the other for our suffering; we no longer judge the other for their suffering and are therefore more available to hear and see the other clearly.

Full Moon in Aries, Friday, October 6, 2006, 11:13 pm EST
The second Virgo new moon took us deeper into our process and revealed that even our inner Priestess is weakened by hidden motivations. In the strong desire to serve and love we cultivated during the first month, we found immature parts of us, in resistance, asking to be recognized and guided. As we met this wounded inner child part of us who is holding us back from fully achieving our mature vision, the Aries full moon was an opportunity to start anew. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, the first fire sign, the symbol of the primordial fire of creation. The energy of the Aries full moon invited us to start again as our child self, to take risks in creating the life we want. Having spent one and a half months exploring our deep commitment to our most meaningful visions, the Aries full moon invited us to “Do It”, as my Priestess sister Monika says. The Aries full moon offered the opportunity to re-parent the wounded Aries/Child part by providing the structure (Virgo) in which to re-script old belief systems that have been keeping the Child in resistance.

New Moon in Libra
Live to Love
At this new moon, the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars are all conjunct (together) in the last degrees of Libra. The 29th degree of all signs represents a completion. The universe is testing us and examining our proficiency in dealing with the challenges of this sign. How are we doing in the relationship arena? Are we able to maintain our center, while fairly interacting with others? Can we act on our inner truth, without fear of what others think or say? Can we stay in neutral as we deal with our own emotions and observe others as they play out their own games? 1

This moon cycle starts with the new Moon in Libra and culminates with the full Moon in Taurus. As we finish up our Virgo work, have we achieved our goals in hearing and seeing ourselves and the other more clearly? Have we initiated a new relationship with our inner child? We may already feel a heightened awareness of relationship, to ourselves, other people, our romantic partner(s), our immediate environment, nature, our tools…all relationship is open to examination.

Both Libra and Taurus are ruled by Venus, the goddess of higher love, meaning that our exploration of relationship this month is directed away from ego concerns and towards an alignment with the highest expression of our love. You may have noticed that you have been directed towards this end for quite a while now, especially since the Venus transit of June 8, 2004.

Each of us is being asked to examine our relationship to relationship of all sorts, and to focus our attention on the areas that ask us to align ourselves with higher love. For one person this may mean aligning their relationship to another person, for another it may mean aligning their relationship to themselves, or to time, or the planet, or awakening the desire for social justice from a higher plane, transforming the action step for change from brute force into a more Venus-inspired action.

Some keywords for Libra are: balance, harmony, peace, relationship, justice. Some keywords for maturation on the Libra path are:
Indecisive -> decisive
Ambivalent, indirect -> clear, direct
Look outside self for opinions -> inner authority
Self doubt -> self trust, secure within self
Take things personally -> maintain emotional boundaries
Over-sensitive -> aware and detached
No center -> inner equilibrium
Look outside for balance -> find balance in neutral center
Co-dependent -> independent/ supportive in empowering partnerships
Intellectually cold and isolated -> heart-centered and willing to connect
Judgmental -> non-judgmental, tactful
Hidden agendas -> harmonious presence
Project inner conflict -> project inner peace and harmony
Superficial image -> conscious take a stand for justice and peace
Focus on appearance -> focus on substance
Fear-based -> self-confident, personal integrity
Please others -> listen to others
Nice to not offend -> honest, fair perspective
Fear of not saying the right thing -> know what's right and honestly communicate it
Mr./Ms. Nice Person -> true diplomat, fair mediator
Compromise true feelings and needs -> honest about feelings and needs
Compromise to get agreement -> hold space for harmonious alignment
Creates resentment and manipulation -> creates cooperation and unity

The cycle will culminate with the full Moon in Taurus on November 5, 2006. At this time, we will be asked to look at pleasure, safety and security from the point of view of relationship and higher love as it has been examined during the cycle.

There are many ideas for new Moon in Libra rituals this month at the Moon Messages site. It might also be helpful to meditate on the list of Libra attributes and notice at which stage of maturity you are working with Libra energy and to bring your conscious focus to maturation of one or a few of these attributes in your life. Plant the seeds to grow your relationship skills during this moon cycle to align with your highest spiritual goals.

Meaning of the recent/current sky events:

Each sign prepares us to take on the lessons and challenges of the following sign with more competence and grace. Examining our Libra skills is of particular importance at this time. Within a few days after the Libra New Moon, the Sun, Mars, Venus and the Moon (for only 21/2 days) will join Jupiter and Mercury in Scorpio. Because Mercury goes retrograde October 28th, it will be in Scorpio from October 1 through December 7. Scorpio is the "truth or consequences" sign. All this Scorpio energy intensifies the T-square in fixed signs that we discussed in NMB #123 ( This T square activates a sense of urgency to define our destiny path and to implement our social contribution (Saturn square Jupiter), calls for a spiritual upgrade (Jupiter square Neptune). Finally, the evolutionary goal of the confrontation between Saturn opposition Neptune is to oblige us to evaluate the relationship between physical reality and the truth of universal laws. The end result should be a consciousness shift, awakening us to what is True and motivating us to live this Truth.

Both Mercury and Jupiter are squaring Saturn in Leo (exact October 18th), challenging us to align our lives with the directives from our heart. The energy and the encouragement are present to bring our visions (Jupiter) into form (Saturn.) Both faith (Jupiter) and effort (Saturn) are required to do so. The Saturn/Jupiter square, which began in December 2005 is now complete. Our lives have been reoriented and reorganized around a new reality. It is time to get to work to offer our contribution to making this world a more equitable, just and harmonious place for all humankind. 1

1-New Millenium Being #124: The Libra Path, not yet published on website: New Millenium Beingsee: The Libra Path on this blogsite

The Scorpio Path

The following is an exerpt from New Millenium Being: The Scorpio Path by Guru Rattana, Ph.D

Not everyone has planets in Scorpio, but the energy of Scorpio is part of everyone's birth chart. There are three ways to identify where and how the Scorpio energy plays out in our lives. (1) Locating the house or houses that contain Scorpio, helps us identify the arena in life where we confront our Scorpio issues. (2) Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, so the sign and house location of our natal Pluto also indicates how and where we confront our dark side, as well as claim our inner power. (3) The 8th house is the house or territory ruled by Pluto and associated with Scorpio. Any planets in our 8th house are immersed in Scorpio issues and power.

All of the above help us identify how and where we confront our deepest fears, long to express our most profound desires, repress or deny our truth, quest for our inner power and wish to shine our light. In mythology, Pluto was both the God of the Underworld and the God of Wealth. *(2) And herein lies the secret of Scorpio, Pluto and the 8th house. Our real treasures are hidden even from ourselves until we dig deep into our psyche. The excavation process involves facing our fears and our shadow, ferreting out the truth that lies buried in these distortions, exposing these misperceptions, and claiming the hidden gifts that long to serve the Light.

Scorpio is the second water sign. There are three zodiac signs in each of the elements. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces represent water or the emotional body. They each teach us how to express and master the water element. Cancer teaches us how to nurture. Scorpio instructs us how to create through attraction. Pisces shows us how to be devotional.

"Like all water signs, Scorpio finds a natural habitat is the world of feelings and instinct. Its emotional reservoir is incredibly strong, since its fixed nature is resistant to easy movement, allowing the watery element to seep into rarely accessed depths where it is not easily stirred, processed or purified." *(4) Scorpio's unexpressed emotional energy is the source of both inner torment and dynamic magnetism. Even a "perfect childhood," cannot prevent young Scorpio from being disturbed and troubled by its deep emotional rivers.

Denial acceptance ->awareness
Distrust -> trust
Black and white thinking -> see things the way they are¸ embrace all
Double standards ->non-judgment
Addiction to drama ->intense engagement in real life
Commotional emotions -> connection to the pulse of life
Inner torment, troubled -> strong emotional core
Overpowering fear and anger -> inner truth, insight
Exhaust self with efforting -> magnetize opportunities
Downward spiral to depression -> focus on the Light and transformation
Deceitful -> ability to recognize deception
Corrupt -> naked honesty
Controlling -> inspiring
Manipulative -> strategic thinking
Need to control -> ability to surrender
Power struggles -> profitable and meaningful collaboration
Desire for control -> desire for highest good
Annoying poking at -> offer penetrating wisdom
Fear of dissolution -> able to hold on to identity and oneness
Manipulate -> collaborate, merge
Stuck -> flow with natural cycles
Isolated and alone -> deep intimacy with transformative powers

Scorpionic energy is intense, driven, secretive and protective. Scorpio is committed, real, and in no way flippant or superficial. Scorpio's emotions run deep, are strong and passionate and not easily expressed. *(5) Scorpio is not relaxed or easy going within itself or in relationships. When Scorpio withdraws and detaches to engage in its own personal process, it can appear to be cold-hearted and leave a partner "with an acute sense of abandonment. " *(6) Scorpios are loyal, "take their responsibilities seriously, and respond positively to trust that is sincerely invested in them." *(7) Ultimately, however, even in relationship, they must follow their own path.

Scorpio is insightful, sensitive and philosophical. Through its powerful personal magnetism, Scorpio draws people and opportunities to itself. It learns the hard way that efforting is exhausting and many times counterproductive. Its motivating will strongly influences others in relationships and positions of power. Scorpio's ability to persevere usually guarantees its success.

Scorpio shies "away from positions that involve long periods of being the center of attention." Scorpio's territory is underground. Bright "light is stark and inhospitable to them. Although they enjoy pulling the strings of influence, they prefer to do so behind the scenes or in a way that ensures their personal privacy is preserved." *(8)

Scorpio's powerful and subterranean reservoir of emotional energy makes it sexually magnetic, charismatic, enigmatic and resilient, with an imperturbable reserve of will to back up its fixity of purpose. This feminine, nocturnal and autumnal sign should never be underestimated. It has a tendency to be defensive, a predisposition to intensity and an icy detachment that makes it difficult to comprehend.

This feminine sign carefully guards and internalizes its energy. Scorpio is a worldly-wise sign that operates through emotional and instinctual gut reactions. Taking advantage of its magnetism, it allows its energy to attract to it. It is capable of probing to the depths of any problem, exposing and eliminating whatever is superfluous and artificial. Its penetrating emotional and psychic sensitivity, ability to penetrate superficial gloss, and its almost compulsive ability to focus on a problem allows it to get at the root cause and offer a meaningful solution. *(9)

In mythology Scorpio plays the role of guardians, custodians and protectors, whose power comes from its cool and calculated focus. The ability to remain undisturbed by external distractions frees it to concentrate on strategic defense.

Reminding us that archetypes represent and bring into focus the extremes of that theme, Scorpio can be a master of deceit as well as a master at recognizing deception, superficiality and facades. Scorpio delivers us to a deeper level of truth by penetrating to levels of reality most of us prefer not to even contemplate. If we want real communication with Scorpio we have to be totally honest and direct. Scorpio can't be fooled, and it doesn't waste its time on pleasantries. *(10)

In Vedic astrology both Aries and Scorpio are ruled by Mars. Aries, the active, externally oriented _expression of Mars, is open, direct and indulges in the bravado of war and competition. Scorpio is the internally oriented _expression of Mars. Scorpio does not make open war, seldom initiates attacks, and carefully holds its power in reserve. Covert, secretive, silent and stealthy, Scorpio is more preoccupied with strategic defense, and neutralizing the enemy through infiltration and ruse.

Scorpio helps us understand where our inner Mars got repressed, suppressed, shamed and damaged -- where our deep emotional reservoir got blocked, stuck, disoriented and wounded. Scorpio teaches us that it is definitely better to examine the anger that we don't want to admit than to live our lives as wounded warriors. To live powerful, courageous and independent lives we have to examine our shadow so that it will not draw us into either victim or victimizer roles. This examination is a natural part of our developmental process.

If we ignore, deny or try to suppress our fear and rage when we are young, these unresolved emotions become deep conflicts and breed self-hatred. We unconsciously act out these repressed emotions until we acknowledge and make peace with them. If the emotional energy of our inner Mars/Scorpio is misdirected we feel troubled and drained of energy. When our inner Mars is not marginalized, its energy can be directed toward a mission.

When our emotional energy can be consciously directed to what we love, we can feel vital and strong. Instead of feeling like we are struggling against an antagonistic, hostile unidentifiable force, we feel supported by a deep confidence, strength and wisdom within ourselves. The gift of Scorpio is to uncover and empower our core emotional strength, which gives us the capacity for enduring patience, unquestioned determination and a natural resilience to meet all life's challenges with grace.

No sign of the zodiac reveals or determines our level of consciousness. Each can be expressed in the most childish immature way or at the highest level of self-mastery. Our level of maturity and mastery is determined by our willingness and ability to learn our lessons and grow into adult expressions of our embodied soul. The possibility of all levels of mastery exists for each sign. And each has its challenges that we must both face and embrace.

The symbology of Scorpio offers us a chance to evolve from the scorpion, to the phoenix to the eagle. Our ability to ascend the ladder of evolutionary _expression of this energy depends on acknowledging and accepting our dark side. Scorpio's core experience gets it in touch with the fact we humans are capable of demonic expressions. Scorpio teaches us to get in touch with this primal energy and figure out how to work with it. If we try to repress this energy and cage the beast in our subconscious, it will subtly, or not so subtly, manipulate our reality. It will control our life and how we project, attract and manifest in the world.

Scorpio and Pluto tell us the truth. Some one has to do it! Or we will remain forever stuck in our denial and illusions! When we really pay attention to what Scorpio is showing us, we can find it appalling how we lie to ourselves and each other. It takes only a few hours in front of the television to be sickened by the depths of depravity and perversion that humans are not only capable of but actually indulge in. It is shocking how our whole culture revolves around a superficial bubble gum reality and how we buy into it as gospel truth. How could we not see what we are doing? The degree to which we see, why don't we ask why? Why don't we care? Why don't we do something about our low level of consciousness and existence?

To protect our sanity, we may limit the extent to which we torment ourselves with the atrocities and idiocies that systematically organize our political and economic lives. Making a business out of fear and gore is one of the major ways those in power control our minds and emotions. Buying into the deception is not the way out. But escapism and denial don't deliver us from evil either.

Some forms of denial can be used as protective mechanisms against the tyranny of political propaganda. How much "truth" about the human condition can we bear? How much violence is healthy? At what point do we feel overpowered by the forces in power and simply turn off the tube and live our lives the best we can? What perception of "reality" simply fosters an attitude of victimization, allowing us to continue wallowing in our stance of disempowerment?

How many facts are needed to motivate us to take responsibility and work together to create alternatives?

Although Scorpio is totally cognizant of the dark side of human nature, it doesn't encourage us to get caught in the claws of negativity or the muddy pools of the subconscious. The Scorpio archetype shows us a way out of the pit. Scorpio acknowledges the darkness, but directs us toward the Light. In fact, Scorpio teaches us that the only way out of the darkness is to turn our vision toward the Light. Of course, it isn't all that simple to extricate ourselves from our darkness, but Scorpio demonstrates that it is both possible and ultimately very rewarding.

Scorpio shows us that everything exists - good and evil, black and white, the wicked and the pure. If everything is possible, then what do we do? We have to make a choice. Responsibility is the stepping stone of Scorpio's deliverance from the under world.

Scorpio teaches us that the Dark and the Light both exist. One is part of the other. We are always evolving to higher levels of Lightness. Our path is to bring Light into darkness, to expose, not deny. To embrace, not condemn. To accept, not judge. To give up being a victim and take responsibility for our own lives.

Getting real for Scorpio is accepting our evolutionary journey and getting thoroughly involved in the process - (1) witnessing our dark side, our less than optimal behaviors, and the extent to which we live robotic and unconscious lives, (2) acknowledging how our inner reality creates our outer reality, (3) learning how to let go of sub-optimal behaviors, beliefs, programs, (4) consciously engaging in the death and rebirth process of our own psyche, (5) always keeping in mind that there is a higher truth in the universe that expresses through our self, and (6) questing to embody this pure _expression of our soul.

Scorpio lets us know that we can transform dark into light. But there is no quick fix or simplistic route. We have to take our physical and emotional bodies with us into the light. Evolution is not a mental, out-of-the body experience. Most people have no idea what to do with their emotional energy, which explains why we expend it in perverse activities, squander it in fear and anger, and try to sublimate it to not feel out of control.

Scorpio reminds us, again and again, that emotional energy can be denied only at our own expense - illness, crime, torment and meaningless existence. We have to patiently and lovingly transform and transmute our emotional energy that is buried in sensitive wounds, deep hurts, nagging dramas and obvious scars. Transcendence happens only after we have given up our need to control, judge and punish and have surrendered to the highest good. Scorpio does not let go easily, but let go it must to rise above the ashes of the past.

Scorpio has the uncanny capacity to see things exactly the way they are. Scorpio's X-ray vision unmasks facades and exposes whatever lurks in our subconscious. There is no hiding from Scorpio's penetrating gaze that uncovers our deepest secrets and exposes our debilitating self-deception. "Scorpio is like a prism through which the whole spectrum of good and evil becomes visible." *(11)

Scorpio exposes the dark side of human existence - cruelty, violence, murder, sexual perversion, dominance and submission, the forbidden and the taboo. Scorpio is magnetically drawn to experiences that the light-hearted don't dare to even contemplate. Scorpio does not hide under a façade of social acceptability. It excavates our buried secrets and unabashedly exposes them.

Scorpio is able to observe, acknowledge, and even immerse itself in horrors, identify how we have buried ourselves and lost our way, and then reveal truths that can liberate us from the quagmire of corruption and depravity.

Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, is the rooter router in our birth chart. Pluto performs the same function for the collective consciousness. Both Scorpio and Pluto's mission is to make us aware of how our unconscious manifests in our lives. Their task is to show us how our internal state of affairs determines both our personal and collective realities. When we cooly observe ourselves and others, we can clearly see that what we do, how we behave and how we relate are all determined by our inner state of being. Nastiness, aggression, defensiveness, kindness, compassion are all generated inside ourselves.

Our internal state determines our outer reality through an interrelated process of denial and projection. We use denial to protect our conscious awareness from seeing uncomfortable truths and facts that threaten our ego identity. Denial is a conscious or unconscious defense mechanism that refuses to acknowledge qualities, feelings, beliefs, motivations, desires, wants, needs, attitudes and facts about our self, others or the world. What we deny can be either true or untrue.

Projection is the result of denial and is made possible by the fact that our internal reality impacts our external reality. What we deny is externalized through projection. Whatever we are unwilling to recognize in our self, we see as a problem or a threat coming from people or circumstances outside ourselves. The tricky part of projection is that our illusion can become a reality because we draw to us what we most fear or dislike. Our projections create our reality whether what we believe is real or true, or not.

The first step in releasing ourselves from the denial/projection trap is to recognize what we are doing. It is both Scorpio's and Pluto's job to deliver us from denial. No one really enjoys this part of the maturation/empowerm ent process, but it is required to quit sabotaging ourselves and to move toward self-mastery.

One very important thing to remember is that we can deny both our positive and our negative attributes. And our denial can be both accurate and fallacious. Poverty consciousness is rooted in false assumptions about universal abundance. Low self-esteem is founded on inaccurate beliefs about our own merits and worthiness. To get the maximum benefit from this Scorpionic overdose, we need to be aware of how we underestimate ourselves, limit our success and settle for less than we deserve. For many people negative beliefs often cause more damage than hubris and ego trips.


Pluto's passage through Sagittarius from 1995 to 2008 is in the process of exposing political corruption and religious inconsistencies. And more is yet to come. Pluto in Sagittarius is making us aware of how both religious and political extremism create distrust and wars. And how both are a product of denial and projection on a mass scale. Both our personal and collective unconscious are up for deep scrutiny and cleansing.

The question of morality and immorality falls in Sagittarius' s turf. It's Pluto's and Scorpio's job to show us the source and impact of this type of evil vs. good thinking. The first reality check is to observe that evil vs. good thinking creates polarization and division. It doesn't take much observation of the current world situation to note that both "the sacred and the secular are now profoundly disturbed and in conflict." *(12)

Polarized thinking positions everyone into one of two categories - either (1) with us or (2) against us. Polarization is a "Way of seeing the world - as a clear division into absolute and simplistic black and white versions of good and evil." *(13) (Saturn opposing Pluto between 2000-3 provoked polarized thinking.)

The political ruse for fostering polarized thinking is that the real reasons for going to war - expanding power, control and dominance over people, territory, and resources - can be eliminated from the discussion and effectively denied. Anyone who makes these arguments is shunned into the "evil" category of not supporting the soldiers or the country.

The problem is that, once categorically "defined and polarized, good and evil inevitably morph back into each other." *(14) The preachers (political, religious and corporate) of moral authority fall prey to their subconscious lust and greed. Denial and projection play out in illicit sexual encounters, lining of pockets and kickbacks. Pluto and Scorpio expose foul play and all levels of lack of integrity. There is no place to hide in Pluto/Scorpio territory. The secrets leak out. There are mirrors everywhere we turn.

Moral codes of conduct and ethical frameworks are ideals that we may aspire to, wish for or use as a model to live by, or employ to judge others and ourselves. This is Sagittarius territory. In Scorpio's terrain we simply look at the impact of polarized moralistic thinking on how we create our reality. Unlike Sagittarius, Scorpio is not idealistic. Scorpio is pragmatic. Scorpio knows that morality is "vulnerable to hypocrisy, and Scorpio hates hypocrisy." *(15)

Scorpio has no illusions about the dark side and how we deceive ourselves. Scorpio serves us well by telling us the truth exactly the way it is. The sensitivity of the Scorpio archetype to the dark side is useful and relevant because it "offers a way out of the moral quagmire of empty posturing and sanctimony, not to mention outright lies and deceit. Distinctions between 'good and evil' are certainly not erased and may occasionally be highlighted in Scorpionic consciousness, but here the gates between those contrasting fields of moral judgment are flung wide open. .. Scorpio ferrets out the hidden truth that apparent good often contains seeds of evil, and gross evil may at times spark profound goodness." *(16)

Scorpio is the practical and emotional application of Libra's neutral mind. Libra must learn to be neutral to help compensate for its naiveté. Libra doesn't quite have the guts to face what Scorpio embraces. However, without the neutral mind, Scorpio's heightened psychic and emotional sensitivity can be a trap instead of a gift.

Scorpio sees and accepts things exactly the way they are and is neither shocked nor surprised by human behavior. The Scorpionic lens does not view reality from the perspective of right or wrong. In a pure observational mode, it understands how polarities and extremes are not separate and in fact often morph into each other. Scorpio's nonjudgmental, amoral view is one of its strengths.

Scorpio does not base its action on moral principles or judgments. Scorpio operates from the ethic of effectiveness. "Scorpio wants to gather power, conserve and concentrate it, then use that intensified power to maximum effect. Morality has nothing to do with it." *(17)

We have just begun to witness the results of the penetrating probing of Pluto in Sagittarius. The next month of concentrated Scorpio energy will uncover more of humanity's dark side - corruption, moral authority betrayed, falls from grace and public disgrace.

Public scandals grab our attention, partly because we are relieved that those violating pubic trust finally get caught. But there is another reason and it has to do with denial and projection. We are relieved that we did not get caught, that our silent participation in collective corruption is not exposed.

Most of those who eventually get caught do not start out as intentional criminals or planning to be thieves of public coffers. They gradually allow themselves to be corrupted by the temptations of money, sex and power. The moral breakdown of a government, corporation or society is a collective affair. Many people contribute through their passiveness and denial mode of existence, finding it more comfortable to be not counted than to participate. We contribute to collective corruption through subtle non-action and "invisible loss of integrity." *(18) We remain silent not to displease others or endanger our position. We let our need for security, social approval, wish to please and gain influence serve as rationalizations to cover up our lack of courage.

Pluto exposes the collective responsibility for society's dark side. Pluto shows us how our individual psyche is related to group dynamics. Like an insidious, "invisible radioactivity that slowly poisons," our fear, anger, hatred, intolerance, good and bad moralistic thinking gradually poison our emotional environment. Like a psychic "Geiger counter, Scorpio is especially sensitized to these poisons." *(19)

Imaginary threats are created in our subconscious from "fear and hatred of the other because of what we deny in ourselves." *(20) "Pogo - We have met the enemy and he is us."


Scorpio's sensitivity to the dark side does not invite us to succumb to or to indiscriminately play out our primal urges. It simply lets us know that they are there and that we are at choice as to how to use this energy. Scorpio simply informs us that we are capable of anything and have the potential to express everything from utter depravity to the highest states of grace.

Conscious Scorpio does not live in denial, which is possible because of its ability to use its laser-like perception to penetrate to the truth, perceive motivations, accurately reveal, understand and access our true heart's desires. The real question is how do we elevate our consciousness enough so that we can become aware of our own dark side and how we participate creating both dysfunctional personal and collective realities. How can we reach authentic maturity and not "remain in suspended childhood or arrested adolescence, merely posing as adults."? *(21)

Scorpio teaches us that authentic transformation is not easy, never neutral and an on-going cyclical process in which decay and death are an integral part of renewal and rebirth. We have to experience our dark side to get in touch with the energies that make fear, hate and destruction possible. The shift has to take place within ourselves. We are transformed by accepting what is without judgment, viewing our past as part of our empowerment training, and allowing ourselves to reunite with our highest expressions.

When we get to Scorpio, we become aware of the fact that we have to figure out some way to process our emotions. We also realize that we usually store our unprocessed emotions in a certain place in our body. As our default receptacle of thoughts that we don't want to feel or even know about, this area of our body becomes our weak point. Two of the most common disposal areas are our shoulder/neck/ upper back and our belly/lower back.

Scorpio is the "fixed" modality of the water signs. The fixed signs - Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius - are both the most stable and the most stubborn. The fixed _expression of the water element manifests literally and symbolically as "long-accumulated sediment, water trapped by the coldness of ice or the heaviness of mud." *(22) Water in these murky and solidified forms can be moved only with great force and effort. This helps us make sense of Scorpio's qualities of intensity and control.

However, the need to control is the one thing that Scorpio must learn to give up, if it is move forward on its path of self-mastery. As with the other archetypes, the gut focus of the unconscious _expression of the sign, makes sense, but it is the Achilles heal that must be transcended. Within the paradox are both the lesson and the means of liberation.


To achieve self-mastery, Scorpio has to let go of control. Letting go and surrendering to (1) the innate flow of energies within the body, (2) the progressive unfoldment of the soul, (3) the natural cycles of nature and (4) the rhythmic pulse of the universe all are essential for Scorpio to uncover, know and embody the truth.

When we relax our body, we can experience and attune ourselves to the rhythm of our breath through our physical vessel. Our breath is our primal connection with the cycles of our soul, nature and the universe. As we return to the natural rhythm of our breath and our pulse in our body, we awaken to deeper levels of truth. The truth is that all levels of existence unfold in evolutionary cycles. Scorpio's power comes from the ability to tune into natural cycles, to patiently let them unfold and then to respond at the most appropriate time. Scorpio's secret and challenge is to release the need to control the uncontrollable and to give up the equally unproductive tendency to resist inevitable change.

Scorpio has the uncanny ability to attune its primal being with natural and universal energies. When it synchronizes the pulse of its soul with the pulse of the universe, it can participate in the cosmic unfoldment as an astute and highly proficient co-creator. The faculty that was used to try to control can now be employed to focus the mind, to be attentive to shifts of energy and to be aware of the most opportune moment to take action.

Scorpio knows the truth of natural cycles - decay, death, birth, growth, regeneration, decay, etc. It also knows that attuning to the natural flow is the best way to "let Thy will be done," which guarantees the highest outcome of any situation. Scorpio's challenge and power lie in the ability to let go and allow the flow of all levels of cycles starting with the breath.

Scorpio is able to get in touch with what is stuck and why we can't let go and move on. Scorpio uncovers the deep programs of fear, anger and sadness that block our flow and impede our power. Only visceral emotional letting go, can end the inner torment. Scorpio can go beyond surface appearances and withdraw back to the source and root causes of our destructive habits. Scorpio is in touch with the primal power that alchemically either creates or destructs. This transformative force can neutralize and eliminate all resistance.

The Scorpionic evolutionary dance unfolds through continual "attraction, creation, destruction and regeneration. " *(23) This never-ending process can be painful and exhausting for the unconscious ones who do not understand, accept or know how to deal with the active dynamics of transformation. Manic/depressive highs and lows involving uncontrollable passion and raw pain can wreck havoc with an uninitiated psyche that is constantly exposed to the distress of agonizing emotions.

The disquieting and harsh emotional energies that defy rational interpretation lead the unconscious Scorpio into an inner hell from which it seems to have no escape route. Scorpio is however inexorably drawn to both confront and deal with its demons. Scorpio's deep insight is that what we suffer from, we contribute to creating. And herein lies our power to reverse a downward cycle and turn it around. Empowered by the truth of co-creation, Scorpio engages itself in the process of regeneration and rebirth to deliver itself to freedom.

Scorpio represents our initiation into the sacred mysteries of life and evolution. The soaring eagle represents the elevated Scorpio which by freeing itself from the muck of unprocessed emotions is now able to use this liberated energy to fly to great heights. Scorpio's symbology -- the scorpion, the phoenix (rising from the ashes of its own nest turned into a funeral pyre), and the eagle - portray a transformative spiritual quest. Scorpio is committed to a purposeful and transformational journey. Ultimately Scorpio will be redeemed from its fallen earth-bound follies and spiritualized into the heights of self-mastery.

Scorpio's main lesson is to learn that real power is not achieved though control and dominance. To learn this lesson, Scorpio must let go, accept things the way they are and work with what is. When we really let go at a visceral level, we discover the rhythm of our body and being. Scorpio's path is not only to experience this deep level of being but to TRUST it.

The path of the Libra is to attune our mind to the Divine channel. Unconscious Libra simply ignores the existence of this neutral channel. Similarly Scorpio's path is to attune our emotional body to our soul channel. The emotions are the communication mechanism of our soul. In our unconscious state we not only ignore the communications of our soul through denial, we block and distort their _expression. Whereas our mind needs mental purification, our physical and emotional bodies need emotional purification.

Any form of control blocks the free flow of our emotional energy. Our emotions not only deliver information from our soul, they are a critical part of our manifestation mechanism, and they can be a source of deep satisfaction. Control is counter productive to probing for the truth. We have to give up control and let go to investigate the depths of our being and to get in touch with the flow of our soul. The more we let go, the more treasures we find. The same applies to relationships - any attempts to control or dominate others simply prevents us from knowing another's truth, beauty and gifts.

As we release our stranglehold, we get in touch with natural rhythms and cycles. We find out we can't control the deepest level of our being, others or nature. And we don't want to! Everything and everybody has its own life flow that plays out independent of our interference. We can make our life miserable trying to control or we join the flow and enjoy the seasons as they unfold. Scorpio eventually finds out that following the current of life's river is infinitely easier and more pleasurable than pushing against it.

Scorpio has the innate capacity to know its own energy and blend it with prevailing energies. As we let go of our limiting individual agendas, we can use our acute sensory awareness to notice the play of energies, tap into them and work with, instead of against them. Scorpio teaches us to hold on to the essence of our goal and trust the big river of life. With our higher purpose in place, we can release obsessions over particulars, bypass obstructed routes and be open to the most effective and efficient way of getting to our final destination.

Let go. Surrender. Trust. We are all familiar with these concepts, yet we hold on with dear life to things, beliefs, ideas and the past with a tenaciousness of a pit bull. The grip is so tight, we are simply unable to relinquish control. Usually we can't even identify what we are holding on to. But we can't let go of some unidentifiable force that controls our will. The most basic force preventing us from letting go is the fear of death. We may be eternal souls, but we live in human bodies. Our primal instinct is to struggle for survival and to do what it takes to stay alive. When we are not conscious of the fact that our soul will not die when we leave this physical vehicle, we hold on even stronger to our physical reality.

Our primal gut reaction to fight for our life is strengthened by the innumerable ways we are imprinted from the womb on with struggle and "death threats." Our Scorpio experiences lead us through many mental, emotional, and sometimes physical, near-death experiences, where the outcome is a transformational death. A part of us dies so that we can live fuller, freer lives.

One important thing to remember while we are working with ourselves to let go, is that we have to let go at a physical, emotional, cellular level. Letting go, surrendering and trusting are visceral experiences, and require more than mental training. We must cultivate in-the-body experiences where we realize at a core level that something lives no matter what - we will not and cannot die.

The meditation to attune to our natural rhythms outlined below can facilitate the process of letting go. Chanting divine mantras are also powerful tools designed to imprint the truth of our eternal reality in our being.


Acceptance of things exactly the way they are is Scorpio's master strategy. Scorpio knows that acceptance of the present moment is the secret to knowledge. The basic problem with denial is that it breeds ignorance. In denial we are not in touch with the reality of the moment, which prevents us from knowing what to do and how to move forward.

Guilt, shame, grief, regrets, judgment, disappointment, lack of forgiveness and wishful thinking all preclude acceptance and deep connection with the energies of the moment. In non-acceptance we are preoccupied with either the past or the future. Our mind is immersed in dissatisfaction with what we or others have done or with what has happened. Or we are preoccupied with what we wish to happen, with feelings of anticipation, instead of feeling and loving ourselves (mind, body, breath) and our life at this moment. Past or future-directed anger, fear, frustration and hope all temper our emotional energy and cause it to create future moments that are also not to our liking.

Scorpio teaches that we can live a passionate, committed and powerfully creative life only if we connect with things and ourselves exactly the way they are. Scorpio knows that everything changes and evolves. Life unfolds in a beauty so deep and profound that we don't want to miss one exquisite moment. The more we appreciate the wonder of the moment, the more meaning and satisfaction we will experience and co-create.

Immature Scorpio likes to provoke a reaction or instigate conflict by taking advantage of others' vulnerabilities. These cheap thrills to demonstrate dominance are destructive and succeed only in annoying and alienating others. Manipulation is a misdirected use of Scorpio's power. Scorpio's tendency to manipulate and use others only fosters stagnation, rigidity and fear of loss within its psyche. The result is that Scorpio feels isolated and insecure.

The more rigid our internal structure, the more we shut off opportunities for interacting with others in meaningful ways. We miss the chance to discover others' value and lose our own feeling of self-worth. Scorpio has both the awareness to perceive hidden talents and the ability to inspire others to access their gifts and live to their full potential. Contributing to others' transformation is transformational for Scorpio as well. Directing its power to helping others enhance their own power makes Scorpio feel worthwhile and valuable and promotes the meaningful connections that Scorpio desires.

Unidentified and unexpressed inner emotional turmoil in the form of anger and impatience can make Scorpio secretive, defensive and vindictive. When Scorpio can get in touch with these hidden motives and agendas within itself, it can contribute to others by sharing and revealing the secrets that help them also transform their lives.

Scorpio's strong survival instinct can make it distrustful, feel emotionally isolated, and prone to engage in battles for power. Although Scorpio thrives on intensity, it ultimately wants to experience serenity and peacefulness within and in relationship this lifetime. Taurus is the polarity that can help Scorpio achieve this balance.


Scorpio has a tendency to create roles of control and dependency. Fearing loss of control or being controlled builds walls that make intimacy impossible and result in frustrating isolation for both partners. If Scorpio shuts down and does not participate fully, its relationships can remain stagnant or deadlocked. In either business or intimate relationships, Scorpio can transform stuck situations if it is clear within itself about its motives and intentions. It must also be upfront with others about what needs to be done to transform existing circumstances.

Scorpio has the capacity to engage in deep, intimate and highly rewarding relationships. To participate in mutually beneficial relationships, Scorpio must first give up its need to compete for power. Power struggles not only alienate others, they squander energy by directing the power of desire toward maintaining control. Scorpio has the capacity to share and merge resources with others in order to create powerful business enterprises resulting in significant financial gain. Scorpio can also connect on deep psychic levels, which makes authentic Tantric sexual relationships possible.

Scorpio must learn that manipulating others to demonstrate its power or to create dependencies is counterproductive. To find the depth and intensity in relationships that it seeks, Scorpio must commit to its own purification and emotional growth and promote this dynamic transformation in others. Scorpio seeks the stimulation of change and requires risk and mystery for fulfillment. The only way to experience this radical level of intimacy in relationships is to personally and in partnership be committed to continual renewal, ongoing transformation, sharing of power, and freedom to be totally honest and authentic. A deep dedication to spiritual and emotional liberation is key.

As Scorpio releases its desire for power over others, it achieves a level of integrity that makes it possible to transform itself as well as others. Scorpio has to feel unrestrained within itself to open up to the powerful connections possible in truly intimate relationships. Scorpio has to feel free to play a defined leadership role to be effective in business relationships Ultimately Scorpio must surrender its personal power to a higher power and trust the transformative nature of authentic partnership in order to co-create relationships that are mutually beneficial and fulfilling.

Scorpio possesses the innate skill to work with creative sexual energies for mutual regeneration and transformation in intimate relationships. *(24) To engage at these profound levels, Scorpio must feel secure enough within itself to confront the inevitable challenges and to undergo profound levels of purification, death and rebirth. Giving up selfish and secretive motives and risking and trusting true intimacy are required. To release the fear of being dissolved by merging with another, Scorpio must be able to hold on to its own soul identity and divine connection. Fear-based psychic defenses must be replaced by an invulnerable power to retain oneness within, which is pleasurably expanded and strengthened by union with another.

A profound sense of our own individuality as well as a deep respect for the individual uniqueness of others, serves as the basis for intending and creating freedom for oneself and others in relationship. This releases us from expecting or depending upon emotional fulfillment from our partner. It also allows us to commit to and support each other's process of self-purification required for continual regeneration and renewal. Trusting the universe and the potential power of relationship can greatly facilitate our experience of meaning and fulfillment in potently unfolding relationships. In the end, continually surrendering to the unknown transforms our fears into the dynamic realization of self-mastery.

What I feel is what I project. What I project is what I create.

Experience creates attitudes. Attitudes create feelings. Feelings create projections. Projections create reality.

Everyday I go deep inside to experience profound peace and strength. Today I create an experience and attitude of trusting and surrendering to the Infinite. My projection is covered by surrendering to and trusting the highest good for all.

I may see the worst, but I always trust the highest good. I know and accept that everything changes. I release the tendency to get stuck and choose to move on with the evolutionary flow. I let natural forces and the Universe carry me across the deep ocean of the unknown.

I live by continuously surrendering/ dying to the unknown.


Let go and surrender - sounds like a great idea. The question is - How is it possible to let go and surrender to the unknown? The reality is that the human psyche will not let go unless it has an experience of what it is surrendering to. A belief, a good idea, even the truth are not sufficient to convince our body to let go of control. We can nurture the possibility of letting go by getting in touch with the innate flow of energies within our body. We can begin by attuning to the cycle of our own breath.

Let go, allow the flow of the breath in your body. Note where the breath and the energy stop and start.

Do a kundalini yoga exercise for 1-2 minutes, for example, spinal flex. Then be with your breath in your body. Be with the experience of the breath slowing down and eventually coming back to a stable rhythm.

Notice the relationship between the rhythm of your breath and the state of relaxation or stress in your body. When we are able to relax our body, we can experience and attune ourselves to deeper levels of the rhythm of our breath through our physical vessel.

For 3 to 5 minutes, consciously slow your breath down to 4 or less complete cycles per minute. Then be with your breath as it breathes through your body. Be very attentive and note the difference between consciously controlling the breath and simply being with it as it breathes. This is the difference between control and letting go.

Our breath is our primal connection with the cycles of our soul, nature and the universe. As we return to the natural rhythm of our breath and the pulse in our body, we awaken to deeper levels of connection with our own truth.

This exercise (adding your own personal variations) can be used between the exercises of any Kundalini yoga set. Be sure to be especially attentive to letting go and surrendering at the end of the set and after any mantra or breathing meditation.

The goals of this exercise are to

(1) to release the need to control the breath
(2) to surrender to the natural cycle of the breath
(3) to experience that there is a natural rhythm within yourself that you can trust
(4) to experience that you will not die if you release control of your breath
(5) to monitor your resistance, to allow it, to feel how it feels in your body, and through acceptance feel your body let go and relax even a little bit
(6) For one precious moment - enjoy letting go and relaxing in your own body.

The recitation and chanting of mantras change our attitude, perspective and beliefs. Our continual practice eventually creates an experience of the Truth of our undying nature. Chanting or listening to any divine mantra*(25) will send a message to our body that it is safe for us to relax, let go and surrender to the unknown. Mantras nurture our emotional body so that we feel safe. Mantras create alignment with universal forces. I remember Yogi Bhajan telling us that the universe is set up for us to win. We just have to be willing to win. Surrendering to the unknown is required. Surrendering to our experience of the unknown in our own body makes it possible.

During this time it is very important to keep our vibration high. Practicing Kundalini Yoga and chanting mantras are designed to raise our vibratory frequency and shift our internal space. Pick a mantra or mantras and keep the sound current going within your being.


Austin, Stephanie, "Taurus Full Moon, Scorpio New Moon," The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #129, Oct/Nov, 2006, pp.103-104.

Bogart, Gregory C., Astrology and Spiritual Awakening, Dawn Mountain Press, Berkeley, 1994.

Gerhardt, Dana, "Mars," The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #129, Oct/Nov, 2006, pp. 19-23.

Herbst, Bill, "In Defense of Scorpio's Dark Side," The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #129, Oct/Nov, 2006, pp. 29-34.

Houlding, Deborah, "Scorpio the Scorpion," The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #129, Oct/Nov, 2006, pp.37-43.

Spiller, Jan and McCoy, Karen, Spiritual Astrology, Simon and Schuster, 1985 and 1988.

Tarriktar, Tem, "The 2006 Scorpio Overdose," The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #129, Oct/Nov, 2006, pp.35-6.

1. Austin, p. 103

2. Austin, p. 103

3. Austin, p. 103

4. Houlding, p. 38

5. Houlding, p. 40

6. Houlding, p. 40

7. Houlding, p. 40

8. Houlding, p. 40

9. Houlding, p. 38

10. Houlding, p. 38

11. Herbst, p. 32

12. Herbst, p. 30

13. Herbst, p. 30

14. Herbst, p. 30.

15. Herbst, p. 31

16. Herbst, p. 30-1

17. Herbst, p. 30

18. Herbst, p. 31

19. Herbst, p. 31

20. Herbst, p. 34

21. Herbst, p. 34

22. Houlding, p.39

23. Houlding, p. 39

24. Spiller, p. 118