What's this blog all about?
I was blessed to grow up during the exciting shifts of the 1960’s; even though I wasn’t exactly sure what was changing, I felt myself in natural alignment with the change. What is this shift? It’s a shift in consciousness, a paradigm shift, a shift in world view that is experienced by the collective. Two examples of paradigm shifts that are often used in explanation are the changes in worldview that were experienced when we discovered the Earth is round and not flat or when we discovered the planets in our solar system rotate around the Sun and not the Earth. So a paradigm shift is really just a reorientation of reality based on new information.
At some time during our history, humanity experienced a shift in perception about its place in nature which resulted in the belief that humanity is outside and above the laws of nature, embarking on a path of destructive stewardship of the Earth.(1) Daniel Quinn’s “Ishamael”, although fiction, makes a powerful case for this scenario, along the way debunking our deepest belief systems about “the way things are” that keep us firmly on the path of destructive stewardship, separated from our animal natures, rigid in the belief that we are not nature, that nature is instead a force outside of us that needs to be controlled and mastered by the intellect.
But where would this change in perception come from? At the NHC, we studied the work of Samuel Hahnemann, the father of homeopathy. Hahnemann’s Organon describes a theory of miasms (underlying patterns of energy in an organism) and disease. Judyann McNamara (NHC, MICH-see links)describes a progression of dis-ease following three evolutionary steps of increasing discomfort in an organism separated from nature. From her notes: “When we were nomadic, we were not deficient (scarcity mentality did not exist). We were nourished on all levels (abundance consciousness). When humans became attached to the land and ownership came into being, survival through owenership became the focus. When one is “fixed”, it fosters worry in the organism.” Worry is the basis of the first miasm or psoric miasm. “Psora is the dis-ease of stillness, lack of movement, restriction, worry, feeling unable to do or move, feeling stuck.”(2) “As hunters and foragers we all had to do everything. Everyone had many trades and abilities. As settlers we slowly became specialized in a trade or ability to the extent there was civilization.” According to the theory of miasms, anxiety about scarcity and ownership perverted the natural flow of life force energy. Leutic miasm is the third stage of miasmic dis-ease and describes a state of over-functioning where the energy of the organism suicidally turns against itself; a state of auto immune dis-ease such as cancer or destruction of Gaia results. (3)
For this and many other reasons we’re experiencing an urgent need/desire to understand what happens to humans when they separate themselves from their animal natures. I could say the mental health of humanity is at stake or the health of Gaia is at stake, and while global warming, earth changes, intentional depletion of resources, waste, poverty consciousness and widespread psychosis are real problems that seem dramatically true and require real solutions, it's simply ecstatic being that's at stake. The Dalai Lama giggles and invites us to do this work...or not. This is Earth school, our collective Soul is Gaia, and we agreed to experience our soul/life force in human body as this garden of eden. We are heaven if we could only relax.
Wilhem Reich described the path life force energy is forced to take when a human is separated from its animal nature; the individual cannot freely express inherent life force energy because in its path for expression it meets body armoring experienced emotionally as frustration. Life force energy is thus limited in its expression to destructive rage. The armor is kept in place in muscular contraction by the mind and its belief systems, emotional conditioning and rigid morality. I’ve been cultivating an understanding recently that every action is an expression of love filtered through armoring, frustration and destructive rage. Of course the level of destruction expressed depends on the level of armorning. If this is true, then the real healing work becomes softening the armor. If we desire life and to re-balance the collective Soul of Gaia, it’s necessary to open ourselves to feel the desire for life which allows us to feel the armor. We must feel the armor and bring the associated belief systems to consciousness in order to release the armor. It’s not always easy work; the armor most always carries painful emotional charge in the contraction, but the payoff is freedom of expression, alignment with our true selves and homeostasis of Gaia.
In terms of astrology, the discovery of Pluto in the 1930's coincides with an understanding of the transformative power in the re-emergence of the Divine Feminine in the culture. Astrologer and Jungian analyst Liz Greene has written that the presence of an angry feminine deity has been prominent in the dreams of her clients for the past 40 years. Pluto has been associated with nuclear bombs and the destructive wars of the last century. I believe this energy is Kali energy, the mother of us all who in her infinite compassion cuts the head of illusion to allow us back to heart and back to the garden again. Pluto is fiery, Kali-like transformation energy; everything She touches changes, is reduced to its raw elements to be reassambled anew-from lead to gold. Pluto's power is the ability to transform the lead of Saturn's ego-armor to the gold of the integrated personality. Like the Tower card in Tarot, cherished belief systems must crumble to the ground so we can see the truth. And this is the gift of Pluto-freedom from illusion. Many of us are feeling the need for re-integration of the Divine Feminine in our daily lives to support our personal transformations with compassionate mother love as well as to rebalance the relative excess of yang energy we've raised over the past few millenia.
Working with the moon cycles has been one way for me to invite the feminine into my daily life; the effects have been a radical reorientation of my life and worldview. I want to support the healing of our true natures in all beings who desire free expression of life force energy and ecstasy. I welcome my fellow seekers here for sharing of ideas, experiences and most importantly, to be reminded that you are not alone in the challenges and joy that you meet with a strong commitment to healing. Every day, every moon cycle, every year the Universe is supporting us to heal our ego separateness, soften the contractions in our bodies, open to the ecstasy that already exists. Please come as often as you like; I will post the monthly moon cycle information here as well as other astrology musings as well as other relevant musings on health and healing. Peace, love, blessings, Helen
(1) Perhaps this wasn't an error at all, but a necessary stage in development; like children exploring boundaries of reality, asking questions like what happens if I put my hand over this flame? Astrology certainly backs up the idea of necessary, integral steps in the evolution of consciousness (see also Ken Wilber on spiral dyamics on this site). Five thousand years would take us through the Astrological Ages of Taurus, Aries, Pisces and now Aquarius with a corresponding emphasis during each age on comfort, ego-centrism, self sacrifice and cooperation (this is not nearly a complete description).
(2) Interestingly, from a Chinese Medicine perspective, blood stasis, or lack of movement of the blood, is the root of most fatal diseases during the last century. As the death force in our culture escalates, auto-immune disease is catching up as the most fatal pathology.
(3) The thymus is the gland responsible for maintaining a healthy immune response. It is the gland identified with the heart chakra. Healing the imbalances that lead to auto immune disease require healing the heart chakra.
(4) There are links on this site to Ishmael, Wilhelm Reich's theory on children and body armoring, NHC and MICH.
Find the cost of freedom,
buried in the ground
Mother earth will swallow you, lay
your body down
I came upon a child of god
He was walking along the road
And I asked him, where are you going
And this he told me
Im going on down to yasgurs farm
Im going to join in a rock n roll band
Im going to camp out on the land
Im going to try an get my soul free
We are stardust
We are golden
And weve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden
Then can I walk beside you
I have come here to lose the smog
And I feel to be a cog in something turning
Well maybe it is just the time of year
Or maybe its the time of man
I dont know who l am
But you know life is for learning
We are stardust
We are golden
And weve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden
By the time we got to woodstock
We were half a million strong
And everywhere there was song and celebration
And I dreamed I saw the bombers
Riding shotgun in the sky
And they were turning into butterflies
Above our nation
We are stardust
Billion year old carbon
We are golden
Caught in the devils bargain
And weve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden