Eclipse Season, Summer 2017 - Sun and Mars Birth the Will of Lost Heart

Mars and the Sun cycle, and eclipse,  just like the Sun and Moon.  Every 2 years they line up at the same degree and start a new warrior focus together.  Just a few days into this Leo moon and eclipse season, yesterday we ended the Sun/Mars cycle which started on June 15, 2015 at 23 degrees Gemini.  The energy of 23 Gemini is: Creative Integration of undifferentiated ego desires and higher mind through the lower mind.¹  

Today we begin a new two year cycle at 3 degrees Leo.   The keynote energy for this Leo degree is: The masculine will to conquer their animal nature and to impress their peers with their skill in performing the ancient traditional power rituals.²

This seems pretty right on to me coming out of our last two moon cycles where we just got down to the nitty gritty of reclaiming the energy stuck in lost pains...recovered consciousness of our primal emotions from tribal conditioning...put it all out in front of ourselves and said ..."I've outgrown the need for old conditioning and I will master my primal emotions for my new purpose". ³  The eclipse journey from 0 to 28 degrees Leo is a journey through the heart and this Mars/Sun conjunction feels like birthing the will of our lost heart.  So, bon voyage, beloveds.  Breathe your power and enjoy!

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¹ (adapted from Dane Rudhyar's notes)

³ My Notes

Finally!  Stepping into Life From Our Lion Hearts
I’ve noticed the moon cycles between May and September seem like one big cycle leading us from troubled waters to clear hearts.  Today, July 20th,  we’re at the halfway mark through an energy shift that started around the Gemini new moon on May 25th.  Between today and Sunday’s Leo moon, the waning moon will pass over the significant degrees of the new and full moons since then, clarifying the purpose of our recent journeys.  So these next few days will be really important in putting the pieces of ourselves back together for the next part of the journey.  For the next four or five weeks we’ll journey through the eclipses with strong purpose and a renewed Lion Heart of courage, excellence, integrity and wholeness. 

To summarize the energy so far, Chani Nichols wrote of May’s new moon 
‘Life is equally inspiring as it is painful. Equally full of truths as it is deceit. Equally as loving as it is brutal…This new moon in Gemini asks us to understand the importance of witnessing life in all its diversity. From every side. Angle. Dimension…Pain can be prohibitive to our education at times. Biology tells us to recoil when an open wound is touched, and our psychology often follows this formula. However, we must learn to push past the survival brain’s signals sometimes so that we can get to the deeper meaning that a situation holds.’¹

I adapted this information from what CIA wrote of the Sagittarius full moon on June 9 
‘As Sagittarius’s symbol, the Centaur, combines the two sides of our brains, and as Gemini is dualistic in nature, at this full Moon we are challenged to be both self-aware of our human consciousness of mind and also the part that is driven by our wild, untamed and natural  animal instincts. (adapted from the text)’²

 Debra Silverman wrote of the Cancer new moon on June 23rd
‘Cancer allows us the hardest lessons. To love humanity as it is. To accept the raw, painful human condition that is never as we think it should be. To open your heart to the wounds that have been put in place during your childhood -- specially designed for you and your karma to eventually see them as the gifts they are…This dark night, a double Cancer sky is asking all of us: can you unconditionally love? Can you see that we are all doing the best we can?’³  Somewhere I read that the key to this new moon energy was allowing ourselves to become conscious of the primal emotions of our past conditioning.  Chani Nichols wrote ‘We can’t lighten up until we get real about what is weighing us down. Until all life is cared for, we can’t feel safe or secure. Personally or collectively.’ ⁴

Finally, Dipali Desair wrote about the Capricorn full moon on July 9th
‘…Consider that the Full Moon in Capricorn invites each individual towards greater responsibility of their emotional world and habits or tendencies…Family/Ancestral patterns show up pretty strongly now too. Some of the issues may feel like they have been carried on for generations down the Ancestral lineage, to the point of feeling rigid and inflamed…As much as you are doing your personal healing and work, there are some bigger patterns happening which may need to be cleared and a greater understanding about how they play out in your life now…’ ⁵


Moon Cycles, Eclipse Dates and Interesting Astrology 

New Moon:  May, 25, 2017 Gemini 8° 15’
Full Moon:   June 9, 2017 Sagittarius 18° 53 (Opposes Taurus Sun)
(Set…your intentions now for when Mars will fully activate the 1° degree point again on September 6th when marching direct again, is about aiming that arrow and looking ahead. CIA

New Moon: June 23, 2017 Cancer 2° 47’
Full Moon:  July 9, 2017 Capricorn 17° 9’ (Opposes Cancer Sun)

New Moon:  July 23, 2017 Leo 0° 44’
Full Moon:   August 7, 2017 Aquarius 15° 25’ Partial Lunar Eclipse (Opposes Leo Sun)

New Moon:  August 21, 2017 Leo 28° 52’ Solar Eclipse 
Full Moon:   September 6, 2017 Pisces 13° 53’ (Opposes Virgo Sun)
(Mars will fully activate the 1° degree point again on September 6th when marching direct again; aim that arrow and look ahead.  CIA

New Moon:  September 20, 2017 Virgo 27° 27’
Full Moon:   October 5, 2017 Aries 12° 42’ (Opposes Libra Sun)


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