This work of Wom(men)
An Invitation to Incorporate the Divine Feminine Into Your Life Path
Yes. It is time for a revolution in wom(men) and path, wom(men) and money, wom(men) and business, wom(men) and art, wom(men) and marketplace. We do not choose to give our works of any kind away for nothing. We are not starving or frivolous artists. We are creators whose creations save lives, heal the world, heal wounds. This work of wom(men), priestesses (priests) and practitioners of every kind is Visionary Work.
Your work is vial, essential, needed. This work of wom(men) must include creating livelihood. This is not easy, quick, fun nor likely. This can be easy, quick, fun and likely when all parts of us are on board * This is not accepted or encouraged. This must be accepted and encouraged by you first, before it is accepted and encouraged by the culture.* And this is what we must do:
*Create an abundance revolution
*We must create our own path
*We must create our own money
*We must create art
*We must be compensated
We are creating our own mystical cosmic luminous overflowing BANK. A bank that does not cause, contribute or condone the suffering of others for profit. A bank that creates possiblilities for empowerment and right relationship to resources between and among all beings and the planet.* A wom(men)'s bank. Believe it. Create it. Deposit into it. Draw from it. Invite other wom(men) to it. Enter the income stream in your golden boat of dreams and dream and work and pray and play and do not stop. Keep going. It will almost always seem impossible. But we will make miracles. Miracles are organizing themselves around our dreams, our work, right now.
Believe it.
by Shiloh Sophia McCloud 2005
*I have added statements in italics and within brackets-kaliheart
Yes. It is time for a revolution in wom(men) and path, wom(men) and money, wom(men) and business, wom(men) and art, wom(men) and marketplace. We do not choose to give our works of any kind away for nothing. We are not starving or frivolous artists. We are creators whose creations save lives, heal the world, heal wounds. This work of wom(men), priestesses (priests) and practitioners of every kind is Visionary Work.
Your work is vial, essential, needed. This work of wom(men) must include creating livelihood. This is not easy, quick, fun nor likely. This can be easy, quick, fun and likely when all parts of us are on board * This is not accepted or encouraged. This must be accepted and encouraged by you first, before it is accepted and encouraged by the culture.* And this is what we must do:
*Create an abundance revolution
*We must create our own path
*We must create our own money
*We must create art
*We must be compensated
We are creating our own mystical cosmic luminous overflowing BANK. A bank that does not cause, contribute or condone the suffering of others for profit. A bank that creates possiblilities for empowerment and right relationship to resources between and among all beings and the planet.* A wom(men)'s bank. Believe it. Create it. Deposit into it. Draw from it. Invite other wom(men) to it. Enter the income stream in your golden boat of dreams and dream and work and pray and play and do not stop. Keep going. It will almost always seem impossible. But we will make miracles. Miracles are organizing themselves around our dreams, our work, right now.
Believe it.
by Shiloh Sophia McCloud 2005
*I have added statements in italics and within brackets-kaliheart