Full Moon in Pisces/Total Lunar Eclipse: August 28th, 2007; 6:35-37am EST

Just a short one this month; I'm just back from vacation...but here's the gist of it:

We are in the Leo moon cycle (new Moon In Leo, Aug. 12th, 7:02pm EST). The WeMoon calander entitles this cycle : Work Focus and I'm not sure where that fits into my understanding of the energy except that we have just moved into Virgo Sun energy: The work of unveiling our true selves? Virgo as vocation? Virgo as the light of Christ consciousness?

Leo energy is the energy of self love. Immature Leo energy seeks approval for its specialness in ways that cause separateness...like ego superiority. But it's not always superiority that fuels Leo, it could just as well be it's inverse...inferiority. And usually if we're playing with this polarity, we swing back and forth with a bias for one side or the other. It's important to remember they represent the same energetic polarity.

So, our job this month is to identify where, in ourselves, we have identified with ego separateness...and how this identification limits the true expression of our light. Mature Leo is radiant self love.

With the total lunar eclipse we're asked to allow the veil of consciousness to become absorbed from within...then rise up with our inner muse and follow her...whatever that means for each of us...around this ego identification thing. Maybe we can let go of this brutal limiting reality we're attached to in the Leo cycle...and allow our true Muse to guide us out of it to our unique light path (radiant self love).

The total Lunar eclipse happens during a full moon in Pisces. Maybe we'll be aware of how this limiting vision of ourselves is rooted in a certain vision of reality...attachment to Maya...the limitations and pain and suffering of the world...that the world tells us is real. We can reach beyond those limiting visions to our real, true dream...each one of us has a special dream, uniquely true for each one of us...and following our bliss raises the vibration of love and light in the world....can we find our Muse and follow her even if it makes no sense in Maya?

What does your Muse say?


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