New Moon In Cancer, Saturday, July 14th, 2007, 8:04am EST. Oh Mother We are Calling!

No doubt, the Gemini moon cycle brought deep realizations about limiting beliefs and the opportunity to align the mind/thinking with our higher selves. It has been an opportunity to examine communication styles and to ask ourselves if they serve our evolving selves’ heart’s desires. We had the opportunity to reflect on the relative harmony (or conflict) between the way we communicate and our heart’s desires; to awaken the skill of listening to ourselves and our thoughts.
The hard work of the Gemini moon cycle is met by the nurturing arms of the Cancer New Moon. With this new moon, we bridge the mind (Gemini) with the feeling nature. (2) Cancer is a richly complex sign. She is many things at once: the Moon-the seat of ancestral emotions; She is our ancestral roots; Cancer represents our dependent self-the self which looks for tribal approval; it is our emotional sensitivity and dependence-therefore emotional vulnerability. Cancer looks for emotional nurturing: reflection of and caring for deep emotions. She is the compassionate, nurturing Mother, Kuan Yin. Mature Cancer provides emotional nurturing and deep compassion.
IMMATURE -> MATURE (needs to learn)
Over protective -> Protects according to need
Avoids or denies feelings -> Honors and feels feelings in the body
Insecure -> Secure within self
Insatiable -> Satisfied within one self
Hides to feel safe -> Feels safe inside own shell
Accumulates things -> Able to let go of what is no longer useful
Needy -> Can nurture self
Fearful -> Able to trust self and Divine connection
Need to control environments -> Controls one's own reactions to situations
Sacrifices self and own needs -> Can give without losing connection with self
Over sensitive -> Able to protect one's self and honor sensitivity
Confused by unconscious emotions -> Stays with feelings until can interpret messages
Feels vulnerable -> Creates own safe haven and energetic boundaries
Uncertain about own powers/strengths -> Connects within to power of tenacity and focus
Moody -> Flows with shifts in emotions
Can be emotionally manipulated -> Flexible and adaptable in own flow
Co-dependent -> Appropriately gives and receives
This moon cycle asks us to bring our focus to our Earth Mother, Gaia. She is Mother to ALL Life on this planet. When we meditate on mother energy, in general, we find that it has been very ill for a long time, reflected both in human relationship, human culture and in the health of our Mother Earth. Take a moment to reflect on mother, within yourself, with your own mother, with the Earth. What is your feeling about nurturing? Is it balanced? Is it unbalanced? Is it heart based? Is it fear based? Your meditation will give you clues as to what the opportunity for healing is this moon cycle. Debased, Mother is sick and dying. Where She once had unlimited energy to nurture her children, she is now gasping for Life. This is NOT to say that she is not infinitely abundant; Her aura is simply severely depleted. The principles of Holistic health tell us that all living systems, under conditions of health, will resolve themselves to health.
If we feel and respond to our feeling nature, we will have a beautiful opportunity this moon cycle to expand the compassionate, nurturing aspect of ourselves. We begin the cycle under a Cancer Sun, intensifying the emotional nature. On the 22nd, we shift to Leo Sun and our focus also shifts to the fire of inspiration of ‘the flourishing individual creative spirit’. Leo represents the journey from immature self (ego) which asks for recognition for its uniqueness-to the mature Self, the individuated ego and recognition that each individual has something unique to offer the whole. Mature Leo knows himself and his gifts and looks for a way to contribute these gifts. Aquarius Full Moon will shed light on the health of the evolving ‘self’. Our emotional vulnerability and nurturing natures awakened, we have the opportunity to shift our focus from ‘self’ aggrandizement to contribution of ‘self’. Awakening compassion to the mother nature and our vulnerable selves will allow us to grow ourselves up in places where we may have once looked outside for attention and recognition to feel powerful, safe, cared for, desired. Whole, we create from a joyful, satisfied place in ourselves. Whole, we are a healthy cell and contribute health to the organism of Gaia, Us.
(1) New Millennium Being (to be published shortly)
(2) This New Moon