Full Moon In Capricorn, Saturday, June 30, 2007, 9:49am EST, Capricorn Committment

Capricorn Commitment

This full moon I am referring you to Lisa Dale Miller's column because I resonate with its description of the Capricorn moon. She discusses:

* the feeling of struggle we are experiencing with 6 planets retrograde (ow!) and the full moon in Capricorn
* the opportunity to explore our commitment and hard work towards realistic goals
* the opportunity to create structures which support our heart's desires
* the opportunity to honor our personal timing
* the opportunity to compassionately meet those places in ourselves which are wounded in love and do not respond from love as a first response; facing the reality of love lost or denied
* the opportunity to resolve fear vs love within ourselves!

I'd like to add some thoughts about the context of this Capricorn full moon in the Gemini Moon cycle. (see previous entry) I've written that Gemini New Moon under a Cancer Sun provides the opportunity to explore how lower mind is attached to ancestral imprinting...this means that the mind responds to all situations as if we are still 5 years old...it will tell us what it knows based on its experiences of 'reality'. Guru Rattana suggests training the lower mind with breath/kundalini yoga and mantras. What we're doing is teaching a mind with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) that the war is over. I remember a story about a Japanese soldier who hid in the jungle for many years after World War II was resolved. The lower mind is like that: it only knows itself in the context of the original imprinting. Even if the original imprinting was nourishing and pleasant, we will likely meet life with certain expectations and limitations. Perhaps it was nourishing and pleasant for a dependent 5 year old, but not for an ambitious 35 year old.

'Reality' is where Capricorn comes into the picture this moon cycle. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Saturn in the chart describes the area of life where we have been defined as 'limited'. For example, someone with Saturn in Gemini will likely feel like they are not as smart as other people and will 'over-compensate' by studying until they are smarter than everyone else! That's because Saturn in Gemini slows down the mind...from the quick responsiveness of Gemini to a more slow, thorough examination of something. The final result is a mind that is very discerning! The lesson here is that hard work and commitment will help anyone to overcome anything. (Emotional maturity of Capricorn vs emotional dependence of Cancer : Independence from emotional attachment to tribal acceptance-and the ancestral/tribal imprinting-Capricorn IS the grownup! Capricorn decides where it will focus its attention.) Where we get lost with Saturn and Capricorn is believing that the 'limitation' makes us seperate from the rest of the world...does our hard work bring more fear and seperation or open us in love to interdependence?

In the context of the Gemini New Moon, this Capricorn Full Moon provides the opportunity to bring our desire for love and compassion to the lower mind: the parts of us who tell us why we are limited and will never get what we want, based in fear rather than love (see Lisa Dale Miller's column). With so many retrograde planets, it is an opportunity to look deeeeeeeeeply at our thought and life process. How do we stand in our own way? Can we awaken compassion for the power of imprinting in the mind and with hard work and committment train the mind to work for our true heart's desire, rather than it's limited outlook?

I have found that pranayama breath has really helped me this moon cycle when my mind was telling me how limited I was. The breath has helped to support the witness part of me and strengthen the higher mind-the mind connected to more expansive 'realities' and possibilities.

For the full moon and the rest of this moon cycle (Saturday, July 14th), celebrate your personal timing and honor any movement you've made from fear to love with lower to higher mind. Celebrate any movement to strengthen your commitment to your heart's desire, softness, compassion, emotional fluidity. (Capricorn Moon under a Cancer Sun) The next two weeks will likey feel easier as you integrate the 'work' you've done during this moon cycle. The opportunities still remain, with so many retrograde planets, to dive deeply to recover treasured peices of ourselves.

peace, love, blessings, Helen


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