New Moon in Aries, Tuesday, April 17, 2007. 7:36am, EST; Birth your Dreams

“Aries is the beginning. It is the first outward motion of a separate self from the collective self (Pisces) and contains within it the strong outward creative urge of beginnings. Imagine that the first 11 signs are represented by 11 rivers which cross the land, picking up stones, fallen leaves, mud, silt, ocean (Pisces). All the matter which each river has collected is poured into the ocean once it arrives. The ocean swells with the additional water and material which has been emptied into it and overflows upon the land, creating another stream which emanates from it.”
“Humans, in their archetypal forms (the signs and planets) go out into life and experience the various circumstances of their particular karma's. What they learn about life, the inventions they create, the level of spiritual enlightenment they achieve, the passions they awaken, etc., all pass on to the ocean of life from which the whole human race derives its motivating force. Each human draws strength and the potential for understanding life from this great ocean and thus we are all one.” (1)
Imagine now, that during the past 12 months since our last Aries new moon, you have cycled the zodiac collecting experiences, world views and desires, plus the information streaming into your consciousness from the rest of the world. The energy of this Aries new moon is a birth of intentions for how to use your new knowledge, personal and collective. Like new plants emerging their new life through the spring soil, new dreams for life are emerging in the fertile ground of your conscious awareness.
“Aries is the first outward motion of a separate stream, and so Aries is concerned with the individual expression of self”. (1 ) So, the opportunity of this New Moon and for the next three days and the duration of the moon cycle on May 16th is to allow yourself to clearly state your dreams for the next 12 months. What life is trying to be birthed this spring? Who is the new ‘you’ who is emerging? What are your new goals for this year? If nothing stood in your way, what would you want to create this year? Make a list and don’t hold back. If you find yourself saying something like…I want to live in
Many of us have individual Aries' issues. We all have Aries contained within a house and Mars energy somewhere in our charts. This new moon is an appropriate time to consider where we are in Aries evolution. The following terms describe Aries energy, from immature to mature:
IMMATURE ->MATURE (needs to learn)
*Relates thoughtlessly ->Aware of others' feelings
*Abrasive -> Diplomatic
*Can offend -> Inspires
*Others are expendable -> Gratitude for friendship
*Macho -> Chivalrous
*Foolhardy -> Confident
*Pride -> Aware of own limitations
*Restless, scattered questing -> Focused on a mission
*Destructive -> Creative
*Manipulative -> Seeks the truth
*Arrogant -> Consolidated and sure of self
*Ego -> Personhood
*Egotistical -> Authentic
*Egocentric-> Self-realized
*Impulsive -> Prudent, vigilant and calm under fire
*Lonely and isolated ->Secure and happy in self
*Can burn out ->Wisely uses and directs fire energy
*Naïve -> Ever youthful spirit
*Conquer mentality -> Discovers new ways, pioneer
*Potential ->Actualization (2)
As we allow our mind to birth our new visions, the full moon in Scorpio on Lunar Beltane May 2nd, will bring our awareness to how these new seeds serve Life. The Full Moon will illuminate which seeds have fertile earth to take root and grow and which seeds might need weeding out and which seeds don't serve the wholistic vision and which seeds might require some personal housekeeping. Scorpio, after all, represents the balance of life and death...what must die in order for something else to live.
This New Moon ritual may include any creative expression of your new dreams. Dance them, Sing them, Draw them, Speak them, Cook them...You are limited only by your imaginination. Celebrate them! Imagine your new dreams are the Divine child birthed of the Divine Masculine and Feminine, and treat them as such. Reflect back to the members of your circle how you appreciate the birth of their new self. Perhaps you can even ritualize this new birth in some way. If it feel right to you, include a sharing of your intentions for your personal Aries/Mars evolution.
Peace, love and blessings, Helen
(1) Alan Oken's Complete Astrology
(2) New Millenium Being-to be published shortly, The Aires Path