This New Moon in Pisces is a very powerful energetic opportunity to shift our focus from fear to love. The solar eclipse at 28 degrees Pisces square Pluto at 28 degrees Sagittarius provides tremendous pressure to break free of some Piscean paradigm we are personally and collectively holding. This newsletter is particularly in depth as it attempts to explore these themes to guide us through the powerful opportunity.
In order to understand this New Moon, it is necessary first to discuss the collective mind. We can begin to understand it when we look to sub-cultures like family and peer groups. Families are bound by unspoken ideas about reality. It is clear when we look at families, that adherence to this collective mind is necessary for survival. This collective mind is often experienced as a prison, however, and when we’re old enough and have enough external support, we turn our attention towards other groups that seem to satisfy our need to be defined as different from the family group mind. Teenagers rebel against their parents AND they dress alike, use the same slang and worship the same pop icons to demonstrate their solidarity. They are unified by the fashion of their group, whether they are jocks, rebels, brains or stoners.
If we move out into the culture, we notice that we are also bound by the collective mind of a neighborhood, city, nation, hemisphere, continent, a religion, a socio-economic strata, political alliance, philosophical tenet or ideology. If we move out a little further we notice that we are bound by the collective mind of humanity.
What are some of the ideas which bind us?
*A college education is necessary for material abundance
*Thought is superior to emotion
*Adults have screwed up the world
*The terrorists are ‘out there’
*Take care of me and mine
*Anger is bad, emotions are weak
*Think globally, act locally
*God is ‘out there’
*The world is round
*The Sun is the center of the Universe
*It only exists if I can measure it
*We are all connected by a presently unmeasurable substance
One very important thing to notice about the group mind is that it is often very busy defining itself as different and superior from other group minds, creating a boundary between an ‘us’ and a ‘them’ defining separateness. We find that the group mind is often bound together in survival mode, so not much has changed from the helpless dependency of childhood. By now it may seem obvious that there is a sacrifice one must make for the security of the group mind: the Self, the individual flourishing creative spirit. Another thing to notice is that we are often desperately looking for something which will explain it all and save us. The impetus which drives us towards sacrifice of the Self is an underlying belief that this sacrifice is necessary for redemption and that redemption will come from ‘out there’. The other very important thing to notice about the group mind is that it is fluid and changes with the times. There is an evolution of the collective mind which is as measurable and signfigant as the physical evolution of a species.
Maybe by now you are also noticing certain themes emerging:
*Sacrifice-I must sacrifice my individuality to be safe in the group
*Helplessness-I am helpless and dependent on the group mind for survival
*Sensitivity-I feel the suffering in the world and I search for:
*Redemption-something outside myself which will rescue me from the pain ‘out there’ which I cannot protect myself from
*Boundaries-If I merge with the group, then I protect myself from the pain ‘out there’
And you may notice that what binds these themes is fear. You may also notice that these themes represent the glue which has bound us in the some of the major religions of the past 2000 years. It is no accident that Pisces, the fish, represents Christ and Christianity as Redeemer ‘out there’ as we have known Him/it during the past 2000 year Piscean Age. But something interesting is happening as we experience shift after shift in the collective: many people feel moved to shift their focus towards love. And this requires a shift towards individual heart identification in addition to an appreciation of the heart of Christ. In fact, over the past 20-30 years, we often hear people talk about an evolution towards ‘Christ consciousnesses’ of the individual. Pisces is the individual urge for redemption through spiritual alliance. It is literally a thirst for spirit. When it is fear based, this thirst for redemption through spirit can often result in addictions and escapism. I will return to these points shortly.
Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, represents the ether-like substance, like radio waves, which binds the collective mind. It is our ability to ‘feel’ the thoughts of the other. When we’re talking about the 12th house in a chart, this energy represents the inherited collective mind, that of our family inheritance, what we hold in our personal unconscious that we inherit from the family. Each of us also has Pisces and Neptune contained in a house and a sign. We look to the house containing Pisces and the sign and house containing Neptune to understand where we are sensitive to sacrificing the self for the collective mind. For example, Pisces or Neptune in the 7th house might feel extremely helpless and dependent upon the feelings of the marriage partner for their well being and will have an extremely hard time having a boundary from their partner’s thoughts and desires and emotions. They will suffer a lot because this person will have a hard time discerning their ‘Self’ from their partner. Pisces in the 7th represents porousness to the partner that may almost feel like drowning. Wherever we have Pisces or Neptune is where we feel like we lose ourselves and ‘drown’ in the feelings of the other. It is where we have a weak Ego identification, where we are asked in individuation to develop stronger boundaries. The person with Pisces or Neptune in the 11th house will have the same feeling about the community. And again, this is where the individual is challenged to develop a strong Ego…meaning a strong sense of individuality, not separateness. These are my feelings and those are your feelings. So it may become obvious by now that everyone feels they have no choice but to drown and lose their individual identities in some sphere of life and this causes personal suffering.
In the old Piscean paradigm, suffering is seen as unavoidable, and redemption was considered to come from ‘out there’…either from a Redeemer God or-in secular humanism-from an ideology or alliance with external power.
So we have a few choices to help alleviate our suffering. We can brace our bodies rigidly attempting to have a boundary from this porousness and sit tight and wait for a Redeemer, our personal white knight. We can satisfy our thirst for spirit in our bodies with substances that take us to the other worldly realms. We can lose ourselves in fantasy and imagination. We can look for spirit within us.
Let’s take another look at Pisces themes and see how we can play with and shift the energies:
*Sacrifice-I must sacrifice my individuality to be safe in the group
What if: I am already safe???? What if: I make an effort to deeply know myself and explore my uniqueness with fascination? What if I value my uniqueness?
*Helplessness-I am helpless and dependent on the group mind for survival
What if: in developing a deep relationship with myself, I find inner strength and fortitude within the group?
*Sensitivity-I feel the suffering in the world and I search for:
*Redemption-something outside myself which will rescue me from the pain ‘out there’ which I cannot protect myself from
What if: I feel the other deeply, but am grounded in my own Self, my spiritual Source, and what if my connection with my spiritual Source provides deep satisfaction, the experience of safety and abundance, an end to personal suffering and deep compassion for the suffering of the other.
*Boundaries-If I merge with the group, then I protect myself from the pain ‘out there’
What if: Fear of being abandoned by God is the pain ‘out there’ that has caused all our suffering? What if: there is an internal drive from Source to develop Self and therefore my desire for alliance with groups defining separeteness is actually a misdirected attempt by a fear based collective to birth Self and healthy boundaries? What if: Self is the Redeemer we’ve been waiting for? What if: my commitment to finding spiritual Source within myself opens me to a connection to the group mind of love?
What if: These understandings free me from
helpless dependency with the group and I now bring my whole Self to the group as a free agent, of my own choice, to love and connect and serve and harmonize?
So now, finally I can discuss the possibilities and opportunities of this Pisces New Moon/Solar Eclipse square Pluto in Sagittarius. This is my personal, intuitive understanding, so please check it out and feel its resonance for yourself. I am understanding that this solar eclipse is an opening to release our Solar potential, our Sun energy, the Ego, the individual creative spirit which links us to the spiritual Source of Self. The New Moon allows us to plant new seeds of consciousness. The 9th house/Sagittarius is the area of life where we develop a world view or philosophy which allows us to integrate our personal experiences with universal patterns (1). With Pluto in Sagittarius squaring the New Moon and the Solar Eclipse in Pisces, we have the power of atomic energy to shift our world view or philosophy from the fear based Piscean paradigm to a world view which more accurately reflects our individual desires and personal experiences. Many of you may have already had extremely satisfying spiritual experiences where discovering your spiritual Source provided relief from suffering and in fact, a truly ecstatic life experience. Maybe you’ve been flirting with shifting your focus from fear to love. Maybe you’ve been experiencing that when you are deeply connected to your individual creative spirit, finding your power in your Yes, you also feel a deep compassion and acceptance for other people, and a release from fear.
This is the New Moon portal to explore where you are still bound to the collective mind in fear and to intentionally express your heart desire for a shift to love. Look to your chart to find if you have anything at 28 degrees anything. These are potential release points…meaning there is support to shift your focus from old habit energy that has caused suffering and separateness. For example, with Pisces or Neptune in the 11th house, you might review how difficult it has been to feel the sensation of drowning in the face of the collective mind of community. With intention you may want to clearly state your wishes for yourself and the other in community reflecting your desire for good boundaries and good relations. With Mars at 28 degrees Capricorn, there may be a release of action energy available that may have been bound up in fear, for example. Or Venus at 28 degrees anything might reflect a potential release to harmonize. Allow yourself to feel deeply how this shift in your thoughts affects your emotions. Explore your wishes for yourself and the other until you feel deep calm, compassion without judgment and the possibility of an end to suffering and an invitation to ecstasy. Call on the Goddess Kuan Yin and Jesus Christ to inform you of compassion and to feel this compassion in yourself for suffering.
You are the miracle we’ve been waiting for.
Peace, love, blessings, Helen
(1) The Astrological Neptune and the Quest for Redemption by Liz Greene