New Moon In Aquarius, Saturday, February 17th, 2007, 11:14 am EST: Come Home to Yourself in Community
Come home to yourself in Community
This is a very exciting New Moon, as there is a Chiron/Sun/Moon/Neptune conjunction in utopian Aquarius, and a Mercury/Uranus/North Node/Venus conjunction in transcendent Pisces. (1) So many planets in utopian and transcendent signs during a New Moon in Aquarius gives the effect of having the Universe on our side to effect any change we are desiring! Retrograde Saturn in Leo and Mars in Capricorn helps to ground these energies into a solid Earth-bound reality. In addition, there is a total lunar eclipse at the Full Moon in Virgo in two weeks on March 3rd. Eclipses catalyze our destiny’s deeper calling. The Eclipse degree (13 degrees Virgo) represents potential release points in your chart. We are provided with the opportunity to ‘…allow the veil of consciousness to become absorbed from within; then rise up with our inner Muse and follow her. Mean well.’ (2)
Summary Capricorn/Leo moon cycle: January 18th-February 17th
The Capricorn/Leo moon cycle provided the opportunity to fully appreciate our ability to create our lives; to understand that we are already creating from what we say Yes (or No) to; to understand that we are always saying Yes to something and to do so consciously. The full moon in Leo provided the opportunity to ground these gifts in self love…bring them to heart…and to birth them as our unique individual flourishing creative spirit. (3) So we find ourselves at this New Moon planting seeds for our place in community (Aquarius, 11th house) from our expanded self.
Of course, the Capricorn/Leo moon cycle only provided opportunities. The Full Moon in Leo may have revealed the Leo places in us that needed attention to grow to maturity. So as we begin this new moon cycle of Aquarius/Virgo, let’s take a look at the Leo Path.
The Leo Path
Immature -> Mature
Self absorbed -> Tuned into own creative power and gifts; focused on heart and
enjoying heart space
Self-importance -> Authentic appreciation of Self
Childish -> Spontaneous
Dramatic -> Celebration and aliveness; tuned into the Life vibration
Tries to get attention -> Gives self-attention; self-parents own inner child (4)
Reflect on where your personal Leo is on this path. An honest evaluation will ready you in strength to ask for miracles this moon cycle.
New Moon In Aquarius
Aquarius represents the 11th house of community, is ruled by Uranus and is the opposite polarity of Leo and the 5th house of self and personal creativity. To understand the relationship between Leo/Aquarius I always visualize the child growing up in the 5th house; learning about life from play. When they have truly tuned into their own creative power, focused in heart space, spontaneous, celebrating life…then, and ONLY then, does the child turn their attention outward. I imagine this child is so excited about life they want to share their love, creativity and heart space with another person, with the world.
Where we are with our Leo evolution will determine what seeds we want to plant for our relationship to community. Aquarius represents our personal hopes and dreams for community; revolutionary or radical changes to bring about these dreams…revolutionary because no one has ever thought of them before! Aquarius challenges authority because it has to challenge existing structures to bring in the new idea, but mature Aquarius does not rebel, it inspires from heart space. Aquarius quests for extra-ordinary experiences and lives in the now but looks towards the future. Mature Aquarius requires Leo all grown up: it is objective, impersonal, TRANS-personal, focusing on the Universal consciousness. Uranus rules the nervous system. In order to work with Aquarian energy, to tune into the higher frequencies of inspiration, it’s necessary to ground the nervous system with whole grains and whole foods, moderation or elimination of alcohol or pot, sugar, salt and caffeine.
The Aquarius New Moon, together with the energies of the current planetary positions will allow us to meditate on the following statement: "If I could only do ____________, it would really change the world." (6) Meditate on and visualize what you want:
* For yourself and your Leo
* For yourself and community: do you have community that supports your radiance? Are you ready to make the changes necessary to create community that supports your radiance?
* Do you have a dream-are you ready to dream a place for your radiant heart and gifts in community?
* Do you have a great dream for the world? Are you ready to gather together and dream your great dream for the world into reality?
Aquarius is mental and inspiration is received through the nervous system. To work effectively with this energy, it’s necessary to allow yourself to be open to receive through the mind and to ground nervous energy. For the next two weeks, open yourself to the seeds you are planting around these meditations. There will be an opportunity to fully ground these ideas into your being at the Full Moon in Virgo and the total lunar eclipse on March 3rd. The full moon always represents the path of maturity of the new moon seeds. Virgo will allow us to ground our hopes and dreams for ourselves in community and for the greater world community in our bodies as Hestia, the Virgo Priestess. (See: Virgo Priestess.
For the New Moon ritual: Begin the ritual with a heart opening yoga exercise. Ritualize the symbolism of a higher light illuminating your personal light. Chant to raise the vibration of community and meditate on raising the vibration of love in the world with your circle. Invite the circle to write down their meditations on themselves and community in affirmation form to ground these affirmations-then, bring them home and put them where they can be seen everyday until the full moon when it will become clear how to ground them in the personal life. Create the opportunity for an ‘extra-ordinary’ experience with the circle. Create a collage representing the dream vision. Nourish your radiance together with a meal. Blessed be.
Peace, love and blessings, Helen
Here are more keywords on the Aquarius Path:
IMMATURE -> MATURE (needs to learn)
Indifference ->Objective detachment
Spaced out->Consciously connected to universal mind
Tries to figure out rationally ->Trusts intuition
Disconnected, ungrounded ->Intermediary between Infinite and Earth
Rebel ->Angelic messenger
Wanderer ->Finds niche in life
Against the establishment->Works to change political/economic/ social structure
Focus on discontent/what' s wrong ->Focus on humanitarian service
Opinionated ->Humble connection with the truth
Needs acknowledgment of uniqueness ->Sure of self and identity
Aloof intellectualism ->Respected for knowledge and insights
Tries to get attention ->Focus on others' needs and qualities
Erratic, disruptive behavior ->Focus on inspiring others
Alienate others ->Objective listening and sharing
Childish ->Witty, spontaneous inner child
Manipulate to get attention ->Humor and perspective appreciated
Needs a group for identity/security ->Feels rewarded when making a contribution
Feels separate from whole ->Awareness of self and others in group
Identifies with peer group ->Defined individual identity
Feels alienated ->Feels included and includes others
Feels isolated ->Knows we are not alone
Makes off the wall comments ->Source of innovative ideas and inspiration (5)
(2) WeMOON calander: Sandra Pastorius at Mother Tongue Ink 2006
(3) Soul Centered Astrology, Alan Oken
(5) soon to be published at: