Gemini Full Moon, Monday December 4, 2006, 7:25pm EST, A LIGHT IN THE DARK

No doubt there has been ample opportunity to bring compassionate consciousness to our dark places and connect to our passion for life this Scorpio moon cycle. And we will continue to have opportunities to deepen the relationship with this passionate energy throughout the duration of the cycle ending at the New Moon in Sagittarius, Wednesday, December 20th. My strong desire is that we all find our way through the murkiness of toxic emotions to the clarity of full engagement of our passion in productive, happy lives. As the cycle moves from seed consciousness to Full Moon, we are also, no doubt, becoming aware that we need help to move from toxicity to clarity. There may be a sense that Divine guidance is necessary to transform our wounded passions.
When challenged with deep passions, we sometimes connect to very young child parts of ourselves who believe they have no choice but to harden against the circumstances causing them pain; since we’ve never known ourselves any differently, we end up identifying and limiting ourselves when we meet circumstances that remind us of the earlier time. From this young child place, we erected a number of beliefs that limit our free expression in the present. First, we decide the world is a certain way, eg, ‘grown ups never listen’ or ‘in order to be loved I must shine brighter than everyone else’. Then we decide that we are a certain way, eg, ‘I must talk loud’ or ‘I must work harder than anyone else’. It becomes exhausting to maintain this vision of ourselves and the world after awhile. At the Full Moon Monday night, we will experience a change in focus, as the airy detachment of Gemini allows us to take some emotional distance from identification with the trauma hidden in these places.
The Gemini path is one of loving compassion born of ‘right thinking’. The glyph symbolizing Gemini the twins are two pillars connected at top and bottom. One of the pillars is open to the lower nature of body, feelings and mind and the other is open to higher mind or divine self. The meaning is that the lower mind has to fade and become submerged to the higher mind, which will then grow and glow.1 Gemini brings an airy chaos to concrete thinking, concerned as it is with seeing all elements that make up any given situation. There is a possibility that communication will lack emotional depth with airy Gemini, but if we stay focused on the opportunity at this Full Moon to bring consciousness to our thought processes, we can use Gemini’s influence to expand our limited thinking about ourselves and others in the wounded child places we have been working with this moon cycle. We will be challenged to see beyond the limiting beliefs of our small ego. And we will be challenged to go beyond dualistic thinking such as either I’m right or they’re right. We will be supported to expand our perceptions and connect to higher thinking about the situations and relationships that our passions are disturbingly engaged with which will allow our full positive engagement. Perhaps we are already more clear that these limiting beliefs don’t serve our higher goals; this Full Moon is the time to bring focused intention to lifting veils about these limitations, to invite our higher selves to bring light to the mystery.
For this Full Moon ritual, create an environment that will support an unstructured flow of communication, such as drumming or chanting. Allowing the flow to be open will create space for different perceptions to be experienced. In circle, share your present understanding of the relationship with your wounded passion and bring your intention to understand yourself and others more completely, clearly and cleanly.
Peace, Love and Blessings, Helen
1-The Twelve Tasks of Hercules