Full Moon In Cancer, Wednesday, January 3, 2007, 8:57 EST, On Purpose

A blessed and happy New Year to everyone! This Sagittarius/Cancer Moon cycle bridges 2006-2007. We left the year with new moon seeds of optimism and faith. We begin the year in the fullness of the unconditional love of the Cancer Full Moon.
There are several themes weaving through this Full Moon for me. They are: Kwan Yin Bodhisattva; Legally Blond; Don Miguel Ruiz and "The Mastery of Love"; Capricorn/Saturn structure and time; belief systems, reality and the dream; We Moon calendar and On Purpose.
Let’s start with Kwan Yin Bodhisattva. This is a very sacred full moon. Cancer is ruled by the moon and she is represented by Kwan Yin, the bodhisattva of compassion. This full moon, we may notice the unconditional love that is available if we are open to receive it. It may be an invitation to open to receive and surrender. At the new moon, we explored the archetype of Christ consciousness; this full moon, we are exploring the feminine side of the archetype with Kwan Yin. Her name means “She who hears the cries of the world”. She is particularly sensitive to emotional disturbances; she brings her unconditionally loving compassion to each being in distress. To read more about Kwan Yin, check out this link: Kwan Yin Mythology
Over the holiday I had the opportunity to watch the second “Legally Blonde 2-Red White and Blonde” movie. If you haven’t seen either movie, they’re about a young, perky, blond law student/ lawyer who is obsessed with fashion AND justice. Well, I noticed while watching this movie a few days ago, wait a second…she’s always loving (she never gets into power struggles with people, even when they betray her)…she’s devoted to beauty (ok, Versace and Gucci, but hey, she’s a caricature!)…she’s devoted to fairness (she fights for the oppressed)…she relies on a sisterhood for support (she can call on her sorority sisters in a second to back her up)…she does ritual to bring people together (snap cup to raise morale in the office). Of course, this is a Venus archetype, a Pink/Cancer/Goddess archetype in caricature. I feel very inspired that She’s shown up in the culture, even if it’s as a fluffy caricature. A few months ago during the Cancer/Capricorn moon cycle, I mentioned that I understand Cancer to be Pink in a Red culture. Well, you can’t get more Pink (in drag) than the character, Amber in this movie. It was very interesting to watch as people wanted to dismiss her as trivial or meaningless; certainly the ‘power’ figures didn’t take her seriously…until she won. Yes, in both movies, Pink wins! Everything! She gets her degree. She gets the boy, finally (I think she lost the first boy, but she still loved him-so Pink!). She wins the bill. She wins over the affections of her rival. The message is clear: Love and kindness will prevail over ANYTHING! Love and kindness can transform anything to beauty and justice. Now this may be just a fluffy movie...or is it TRUE? Does Love really win? I'm solidly on the side of Pink. If love doesn't really win (and I'm convinced that it does!!!!), I still choose love and Pink! It just feels better than the alternative. And Cancer is all about feeling.
We are experiencing the Pink nature of this Cancer Full Moon while the Sun is in Capricorn. It is the polarity of the homey, down to earth, emotional vulnerability and openness of Cancer. Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn’s function is to experience power through action. Not power in a ‘power over’ kind of way, although that’s where we often get confused with Capricorn, but in a ‘focused intention of mastery’ kind of way. Imagine what we could do with Pink with focused intention! Many man and women already are. With Venus (love), Mercury (communication) and Sun (ego) in Capricorn (1), Cancer’s unconditional Mother love nature is directed to bring this love down to earth in practical action. Capricorn and Saturn are concerned with structure (highest Earth). A question we might ask ourselves at this Full Moon is: Am I creating the structure that supports and grounds my love in the world? Depending on where we are in our process this could mean we are meant to find a practical action to direct our unconditional love towards ourselves, if we have not been doing that. Or if our hearts are already overflowing with Pink love, we may want to sit down and decide the best way to bring this love in service to the world.
The Cancer Full Moon during Capricorn Sun brings up another issue. Saturn represents the area of life where we learn first about ego separateness; it is often where we get stuck in our process for a long time (Saturn is Chronos and rules time). It is where we believe that we are not like other people and so feel the need to compensate for our ‘limitation’. For example, with Saturn in Gemini (communication), we may feel we are not able to communicate or think as well as other people. A person who feels this way will overcompensate…perhaps by getting a degree in Communications. It doesn’t matter how they do it, the point is that this person suffers everyday of their life thinking they are different and separate. There is often obsession about getting it right for years and years until compassion brings a shift in perception. By that time, this person is indeed an expert in this area of life and has alot to offer in service if they are not suffering in ego separateness. With the unconditional love of this full moon, we might want to ask ourselves where in our lives we are beating ourselves up for being different. Where are we contracted in judgment (Saturn) against ourselves and is that working for us? Does it allow us to use our gifts in service of love? What is clear at this Full Moon in Cancer during the Capricorn Sun is that Time is On Our Side and Love Conquers Time. We have all the Time we need…to heal, to learn how to love, to ‘get’ the lesson we came to learn, no matter how many mistakes we make, there is enough love and enough time.
Cancer is all about relationship. In “The Mastery of Love”, Don Miguel Ruiz shares the following wisdom: “To master a relationship is all about you. The first step is to become aware, to know that everyone dreams his own dream. Once you know this, you can be responsible for your half of the relationship, which is you…” The opportunity of these Full Moon energies is to identify structure in our lives; what is it that we are dreaming, believing-about ourselves, others and life-and how do we structure ourselves accordingly. Do we need to change the dream, the belief; do we need to bring compassionate comprehension to the belief (s)? Or are we ready to create a structure that will bring unconditional love to ourselves and the world?
The keywords for 2007 according the the WeMoon Calandar are “On Purpose”. This Full Moon provides a perfect launching pad for structuring our lives and love with focused intention.
The vision I want to close with is two beautiful women, one is the Goddess of Compassion and the other is Earth Mother. Together they hold us this Full Moon in our own love and mastery. Together they hold us in their love, wisdom and mastery.
Peace, love blessings, Helen
you'll find more information about The Cancer Path at this link.
1-Moon Messages
I just got a link to your blog from Rebekah and thank you so much for sharing ~*~
Would you be so kind as to paste it here please ?
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