New Moon In Libra, Sunday October 22, 2006, 1:14am EST
Summary of the two month long Virgo/Pisces, Virgo/Aries moon cycles
As of this writing, October 20, 2006, we are currently finishing up a two month long Virgo moon cycle. The first month, Virgo new moon encouraged us to find our inner Priestess (regardless if you’re a man or woman), directing us to harness the energy raised during the summer in service of our higher spiritual goals by focusing on our personal emotional processes in the day to day rituals of life. The first full moon of this two month cycle, the Pisces full moon, was a delicious invitation to the understanding that when we fully commit to our personal process, we paradoxically lose ego attachment to self and birth compassion for the suffering of all beings. When we are committed to being with our personal suffering compassionately, our focus becomes more clear: we see our personal responsibility in our own happiness or unhappiness; we lose the desire to blame the other for our suffering; we no longer judge the other for their suffering and are therefore more available to hear and see the other clearly.
Full Moon in Aries, Friday, October 6, 2006, 11:13 pm EST
The second Virgo new moon took us deeper into our process and revealed that even our inner Priestess is weakened by hidden motivations. In the strong desire to serve and love we cultivated during the first month, we found immature parts of us, in resistance, asking to be recognized and guided. As we met this wounded inner child part of us who is holding us back from fully achieving our mature vision, the Aries full moon was an opportunity to start anew. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, the first fire sign, the symbol of the primordial fire of creation. The energy of the Aries full moon invited us to start again as our child self, to take risks in creating the life we want. Having spent one and a half months exploring our deep commitment to our most meaningful visions, the Aries full moon invited us to “Do It”, as my Priestess sister Monika says. The Aries full moon offered the opportunity to re-parent the wounded Aries/Child part by providing the structure (Virgo) in which to re-script old belief systems that have been keeping the Child in resistance.

New Moon in Libra
Live to Love
At this new moon, the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars are all conjunct (together) in the last degrees of Libra. The 29th degree of all signs represents a completion. The universe is testing us and examining our proficiency in dealing with the challenges of this sign. How are we doing in the relationship arena? Are we able to maintain our center, while fairly interacting with others? Can we act on our inner truth, without fear of what others think or say? Can we stay in neutral as we deal with our own emotions and observe others as they play out their own games? 1
This moon cycle starts with the new Moon in Libra and culminates with the full Moon in Taurus. As we finish up our Virgo work, have we achieved our goals in hearing and seeing ourselves and the other more clearly? Have we initiated a new relationship with our inner child? We may already feel a heightened awareness of relationship, to ourselves, other people, our romantic partner(s), our immediate environment, nature, our tools…all relationship is open to examination.
Both Libra and Taurus are ruled by Venus, the goddess of higher love, meaning that our exploration of relationship this month is directed away from ego concerns and towards an alignment with the highest expression of our love. You may have noticed that you have been directed towards this end for quite a while now, especially since the Venus transit of June 8, 2004.
Each of us is being asked to examine our relationship to relationship of all sorts, and to focus our attention on the areas that ask us to align ourselves with higher love. For one person this may mean aligning their relationship to another person, for another it may mean aligning their relationship to themselves, or to time, or the planet, or awakening the desire for social justice from a higher plane, transforming the action step for change from brute force into a more Venus-inspired action.
Some keywords for Libra are: balance, harmony, peace, relationship, justice. Some keywords for maturation on the Libra path are:
Indecisive -> decisive
Ambivalent, indirect -> clear, direct
Look outside self for opinions -> inner authority
Self doubt -> self trust, secure within self
Take things personally -> maintain emotional boundaries
Over-sensitive -> aware and detached
No center -> inner equilibrium
Look outside for balance -> find balance in neutral center
Co-dependent -> independent/ supportive in empowering partnerships
Intellectually cold and isolated -> heart-centered and willing to connect
Judgmental -> non-judgmental, tactful
Hidden agendas -> harmonious presence
Project inner conflict -> project inner peace and harmony
Superficial image -> conscious take a stand for justice and peace
Focus on appearance -> focus on substance
Fear-based -> self-confident, personal integrity
Please others -> listen to others
Nice to not offend -> honest, fair perspective
Fear of not saying the right thing -> know what's right and honestly communicate it
Mr./Ms. Nice Person -> true diplomat, fair mediator
Compromise true feelings and needs -> honest about feelings and needs
Compromise to get agreement -> hold space for harmonious alignment
Creates resentment and manipulation -> creates cooperation and unity
The cycle will culminate with the full Moon in Taurus on November 5, 2006. At this time, we will be asked to look at pleasure, safety and security from the point of view of relationship and higher love as it has been examined during the cycle.
There are many ideas for new Moon in Libra rituals this month at the Moon Messages site. It might also be helpful to meditate on the list of Libra attributes and notice at which stage of maturity you are working with Libra energy and to bring your conscious focus to maturation of one or a few of these attributes in your life. Plant the seeds to grow your relationship skills during this moon cycle to align with your highest spiritual goals.
Meaning of the recent/current sky events:
Each sign prepares us to take on the lessons and challenges of the following sign with more competence and grace. Examining our Libra skills is of particular importance at this time. Within a few days after the Libra New Moon, the Sun, Mars, Venus and the Moon (for only 21/2 days) will join Jupiter and Mercury in Scorpio. Because Mercury goes retrograde October 28th, it will be in Scorpio from October 1 through December 7. Scorpio is the "truth or consequences" sign. All this Scorpio energy intensifies the T-square in fixed signs that we discussed in NMB #123 ( This T square activates a sense of urgency to define our destiny path and to implement our social contribution (Saturn square Jupiter), calls for a spiritual upgrade (Jupiter square Neptune). Finally, the evolutionary goal of the confrontation between Saturn opposition Neptune is to oblige us to evaluate the relationship between physical reality and the truth of universal laws. The end result should be a consciousness shift, awakening us to what is True and motivating us to live this Truth.
Both Mercury and Jupiter are squaring Saturn in Leo (exact October 18th), challenging us to align our lives with the directives from our heart. The energy and the encouragement are present to bring our visions (Jupiter) into form (Saturn.) Both faith (Jupiter) and effort (Saturn) are required to do so. The Saturn/Jupiter square, which began in December 2005 is now complete. Our lives have been reoriented and reorganized around a new reality. It is time to get to work to offer our contribution to making this world a more equitable, just and harmonious place for all humankind. 1
1-New Millenium Being #124: The Libra Path, not yet published on website: New Millenium Beingsee: The Libra Path on this blogsite
As of this writing, October 20, 2006, we are currently finishing up a two month long Virgo moon cycle. The first month, Virgo new moon encouraged us to find our inner Priestess (regardless if you’re a man or woman), directing us to harness the energy raised during the summer in service of our higher spiritual goals by focusing on our personal emotional processes in the day to day rituals of life. The first full moon of this two month cycle, the Pisces full moon, was a delicious invitation to the understanding that when we fully commit to our personal process, we paradoxically lose ego attachment to self and birth compassion for the suffering of all beings. When we are committed to being with our personal suffering compassionately, our focus becomes more clear: we see our personal responsibility in our own happiness or unhappiness; we lose the desire to blame the other for our suffering; we no longer judge the other for their suffering and are therefore more available to hear and see the other clearly.
Full Moon in Aries, Friday, October 6, 2006, 11:13 pm EST
The second Virgo new moon took us deeper into our process and revealed that even our inner Priestess is weakened by hidden motivations. In the strong desire to serve and love we cultivated during the first month, we found immature parts of us, in resistance, asking to be recognized and guided. As we met this wounded inner child part of us who is holding us back from fully achieving our mature vision, the Aries full moon was an opportunity to start anew. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, the first fire sign, the symbol of the primordial fire of creation. The energy of the Aries full moon invited us to start again as our child self, to take risks in creating the life we want. Having spent one and a half months exploring our deep commitment to our most meaningful visions, the Aries full moon invited us to “Do It”, as my Priestess sister Monika says. The Aries full moon offered the opportunity to re-parent the wounded Aries/Child part by providing the structure (Virgo) in which to re-script old belief systems that have been keeping the Child in resistance.
New Moon in Libra
Live to Love
At this new moon, the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars are all conjunct (together) in the last degrees of Libra. The 29th degree of all signs represents a completion. The universe is testing us and examining our proficiency in dealing with the challenges of this sign. How are we doing in the relationship arena? Are we able to maintain our center, while fairly interacting with others? Can we act on our inner truth, without fear of what others think or say? Can we stay in neutral as we deal with our own emotions and observe others as they play out their own games? 1
This moon cycle starts with the new Moon in Libra and culminates with the full Moon in Taurus. As we finish up our Virgo work, have we achieved our goals in hearing and seeing ourselves and the other more clearly? Have we initiated a new relationship with our inner child? We may already feel a heightened awareness of relationship, to ourselves, other people, our romantic partner(s), our immediate environment, nature, our tools…all relationship is open to examination.
Both Libra and Taurus are ruled by Venus, the goddess of higher love, meaning that our exploration of relationship this month is directed away from ego concerns and towards an alignment with the highest expression of our love. You may have noticed that you have been directed towards this end for quite a while now, especially since the Venus transit of June 8, 2004.
Each of us is being asked to examine our relationship to relationship of all sorts, and to focus our attention on the areas that ask us to align ourselves with higher love. For one person this may mean aligning their relationship to another person, for another it may mean aligning their relationship to themselves, or to time, or the planet, or awakening the desire for social justice from a higher plane, transforming the action step for change from brute force into a more Venus-inspired action.
Some keywords for Libra are: balance, harmony, peace, relationship, justice. Some keywords for maturation on the Libra path are:
Indecisive -> decisive
Ambivalent, indirect -> clear, direct
Look outside self for opinions -> inner authority
Self doubt -> self trust, secure within self
Take things personally -> maintain emotional boundaries
Over-sensitive -> aware and detached
No center -> inner equilibrium
Look outside for balance -> find balance in neutral center
Co-dependent -> independent/ supportive in empowering partnerships
Intellectually cold and isolated -> heart-centered and willing to connect
Judgmental -> non-judgmental, tactful
Hidden agendas -> harmonious presence
Project inner conflict -> project inner peace and harmony
Superficial image -> conscious take a stand for justice and peace
Focus on appearance -> focus on substance
Fear-based -> self-confident, personal integrity
Please others -> listen to others
Nice to not offend -> honest, fair perspective
Fear of not saying the right thing -> know what's right and honestly communicate it
Mr./Ms. Nice Person -> true diplomat, fair mediator
Compromise true feelings and needs -> honest about feelings and needs
Compromise to get agreement -> hold space for harmonious alignment
Creates resentment and manipulation -> creates cooperation and unity
The cycle will culminate with the full Moon in Taurus on November 5, 2006. At this time, we will be asked to look at pleasure, safety and security from the point of view of relationship and higher love as it has been examined during the cycle.
There are many ideas for new Moon in Libra rituals this month at the Moon Messages site. It might also be helpful to meditate on the list of Libra attributes and notice at which stage of maturity you are working with Libra energy and to bring your conscious focus to maturation of one or a few of these attributes in your life. Plant the seeds to grow your relationship skills during this moon cycle to align with your highest spiritual goals.
Meaning of the recent/current sky events:
Each sign prepares us to take on the lessons and challenges of the following sign with more competence and grace. Examining our Libra skills is of particular importance at this time. Within a few days after the Libra New Moon, the Sun, Mars, Venus and the Moon (for only 21/2 days) will join Jupiter and Mercury in Scorpio. Because Mercury goes retrograde October 28th, it will be in Scorpio from October 1 through December 7. Scorpio is the "truth or consequences" sign. All this Scorpio energy intensifies the T-square in fixed signs that we discussed in NMB #123 ( This T square activates a sense of urgency to define our destiny path and to implement our social contribution (Saturn square Jupiter), calls for a spiritual upgrade (Jupiter square Neptune). Finally, the evolutionary goal of the confrontation between Saturn opposition Neptune is to oblige us to evaluate the relationship between physical reality and the truth of universal laws. The end result should be a consciousness shift, awakening us to what is True and motivating us to live this Truth.
Both Mercury and Jupiter are squaring Saturn in Leo (exact October 18th), challenging us to align our lives with the directives from our heart. The energy and the encouragement are present to bring our visions (Jupiter) into form (Saturn.) Both faith (Jupiter) and effort (Saturn) are required to do so. The Saturn/Jupiter square, which began in December 2005 is now complete. Our lives have been reoriented and reorganized around a new reality. It is time to get to work to offer our contribution to making this world a more equitable, just and harmonious place for all humankind. 1
1-New Millenium Being #124: The Libra Path, not yet published on website: New Millenium Beingsee: The Libra Path on this blogsite